2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 14:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 18:00 2.16 Sun 12:00 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 100分100 min 2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 14:00 / 19:00 2.15 Sat 14:00 / 18:00 2.16 Sun 12:00 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 100分100 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount
- 日本語(英文要約配布)Japanese (English synopsis provided)
48.80. This is the voting rate of a national election in 2019. This number led me to start to think “What is democracy?”. We live in a society of 48.80. In such a situation, how should we think what democracy is. “We didn't want to say anything. We wanted to say something. Flowers are blooming without any words, and speaking to someone.” A new performance by mooncuproof will ask you what democracy is.
劇作家・演出家の萩谷至史によるパフォーマンスのための個人ユニット。 様々な不条理に対峙する人々を描き、社会の中の「答えのない問い」について考えるための作品を制作する。 俳優がテキストからイメージしたものを基に身体・感情・空間を構築する手法は、時に抽象的な表現となり観客それぞれの多義的な解釈が可能になる。 「2019、Tokyo、それから、あるいは→」で第16回杉並演劇祭にて優秀賞を受賞。
Stages performances by director and playwright Yoshifumi Hagiya. Creates works that portray people confronting absurdity, encouraging viewers to consider the questions without answers that exist in our society. Hagiya's methodology of constructing physicality, emotion, and space in his performances based on images that actors draw from the text at times results in abstract forms of expression that lead audience members to their own diverse and personal interpretations of his work. Recipient of an Award for Excellence at the 2019 Suginami Theater Festival for 2019, Tokyo, and Then, Maybe.