国際共同製作『RE/PLAY Dance Edit』東京公演International Co-production "RE/PLAY Dance Edit" Tokyo version
RE/PLAY Dance Edit 実行委員会RE/PLAY Dance Edit Committee
- 吉祥寺シアターKichijoji Theatre
- 〒180-0004 東京都武蔵野市吉祥寺本町1-33-22Map1-33-22 Honmachi, Kichijoji, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0004Map
2.9 Sat 19:00 2.10 Sun 19:00 2.11 Mon 18:00 上演時間Run Time 90 min90分 2.9 Sat 19:00 2.10 Sun 19:00 2.11 Mon 18:00 上演時間Run Time 90 min90分
前売 一般¥3,500
当日 一般¥4,000
前売 U-25¥3,000
当日 U-25¥3,500
AudienceAdv General¥3,500
Door General¥4,000
Adv U-25¥3,000
Door U-25¥3,500
The Musashino Cultural Foundation Member¥3,000 (Adv General only)
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥3,000 (Adv General only)
企画製作・主催:RE/PLAY Dance Edit実行委員会、NPO法人Offsite Dance Project
共同製作:TheatreWorks、Amrita Performing Arts、京都芸術センター、Sipat Lawin Ensemble
助成:アーツカウンシル東京(公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団)、芸術文化振興基金Production & Organizer: RE/PLAY Dance Edit Committee, Offsite Dance Project
Co-production: TheatreWorks, Amrita Performing Arts, Kyoto Art Center, Sipat Lawin Ensemble
In cooperation with: The Musashino Cultural Foundation
Supported by: Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), Japan Arts Council
Junnosuke Tada, a renowned Japanese theatre maker, created Re/Play in 2011 for his company, Tokyo Deathlock. The piece explored the intent and meaning of re-production through the bodily repetition of physical movement. In 2012, it was remade as a dance production that’s been re-staged several times in Asian countries. In these productions, leading choreographers-dancers from Japan, Singapore, Cambodia, and the Philippines collaborated to develop the choreography. Popular songs are repeated continuously while eight dancers push themselves to total exhaustion. It is a structure that subverts the reason and meaning of dance while revealing the urgency of life and the chaotic nature of contemporary society.
多田淳之介(演出)Junnosuke Tada (Director)
1976生まれ。演出家。東京デスロック主宰。俳優の身体、観客、劇場空間を含めた、 現前=現象にフォーカスした演劇作品を発表。既成の演劇の枠組みに囚われない演出方法は、公演毎に話題を呼ぶ。2013年日韓共同製作作品『カルメギ』で韓国の東亜演劇賞演出賞を外国人として初受賞。2010年から富士見市民文化会館キラリふじみ芸術監督。2018年APAF–アジア舞台芸術人材育成部門のディレクターに就任。
Born 1976. Director. Artistic Director of Tokyo Deathlock. His direction focuses on the concept that “manifestation equals phenomenon” and that this manifestation includes a performer’s body, the audience, and the space. With his unconventional approach to the framework of established theater, each of his projects generates intriguing discussions both within Japan and abroad. He has been the artistic director of Cultural Centre of Fujimi City since 2010. He is the first international winner of the Director Award in the Donga Theater Awards of Korea with the Korean-Japanese collaboration KARUMEGI in 2013. Appointed Director of APAF (Asian Performing Arts Forum) in 2018.