風と毛穴 器官と音Wind and Pore Organ and Sound
N///K(ナチュラル・キラー)N///K (natural killer)
- 座・高円寺2Za-Koenji Public Theater 2
- 〒166-0002 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-1-2Map2-1-2 Koenji-kita, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0002 Map
2.14 Thu 19:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分以内within 90 min プレトーク:稲葉俊郎(医療)× 奥野美和(ダンス)
2.15 Fri 16:002.14 Thu 19:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分以内within 90 min Pre-talk: Toshiro Ianaba (Medical care) × Miwa Okuno (Dance)
2.15 Fri 16:00
前売 一般¥3,500
前売 学生¥2,800
当日 一般¥4,000
当日 学生¥3,300
AudienceAdv General¥3,500
Adv Student¥2,800
Door General¥4,000
Door Student¥3,300
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥200 discount from General ticket (Adv only)
助成:公益財団法人アサヒグループ芸術文化財団、アーツカウンシル東京(公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団)Supported by A.S.P (Artist Support Program managed by studio ARCHITANZ)
Subsidized by Asahi Group Arts Foundation, Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
2018年3月WIP発表(ASP パフォーマンスvol.2[SD for 4]内)、2018年6月京都芸術センター(Co-program 2018 カテゴリーD KACセレクション)での公演を経て構築してきた『風と毛穴 器官と音』の単独公演。近年、奥野が抱き続けているテーマ「現代失われつつある身体性」を根底に「毛穴/皮膚」を観る者との境界とし、猛烈に生きる身体の声と音を空間に描きます。
A performance of Wind and Pore Organ and Sound, building on previous work in progress performances in Tokyo (ASP Performance Vol. 2 [SD for 4], March 2018) and at the Kyoto Art Center (Co-program 2018 category D KAC selection, June 2018). Continuing to explore her long-term theme of "vanishing modern corporeality" as a foundation, this piece uses "pores/skin" as a point of entry for the audience. Wind and Pore Organ and Sound uses space as a canvas to draw the sounds of a body living furiously.
N///K(ナチュラル・キラー)N///K (natural killer)
Formed by Miwa Okuno in 2014, N///K has been actively performing original pieces to create a space where body/video/music/object exist equally with musician Yohei Fujishiro since its inception. Taking its name from the “natural killer cells” known to be one of the most important parts of the human body's immune system, N///K are a group of activists, producing and performing pieces inspired by and reacting to the many problems (=cancer/viruses) existing in society or in any other kind of environment.