What Are They Doing?What Are They Doing?
ジェラード・レビック × 赤間涼子Gerard Lebik and Ryoko Akama
- 〒231-0045 横浜市中区伊勢佐木町1-3-1 伊勢ビル地下1FMapIse Bldg. B1F, 1-3-1 Isezaki-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0045 Map
2.14 Thu 17:30 / 21:30 上演時間Run Time 40分40 min 2.14 Thu 17:30 / 21:30 上演時間Run Time 40分40 min
一般のチケットをお求めの方は、①お名前 ②公演時間 ③枚数を明記の上、tallgrassprairie87@gmail.com までお送りください。
For geneal tickets, please send the following information: 1) Name 2) Performance date and time 3) Number of ticket, to the email address below.
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
主催:Avant Art Festival
共催:Adam Mickiewicz Institute / Culture.plPlanned and Organized by Avant Art Festival
Supported by Adam Mickiewicz Institute / Culture.pl
Is their sound performance combining the elements of individual aesthetics: Whilst Akama deals with motors, magnets, fans, bowls or other found materials, Lebik participates with rotating air cans. Layers of subtle sounds intertwine each other to create a collage of acoustic vibrations and air fluctuations, changing space into an acousmatic instrument and changes the conventional properties of listeners' perceptions. This collaboration is a preserving and recasting act of identity. The objects collaborate and intermingle as a whole as well as independently and concurrently. It is ‘a situation‘ where the space is to be experienced.
ジェラード・レビック × 赤間涼子Gerard Lebik and Ryoko Akama
赤間涼子:サウンド・アーティスト/作曲家/パフォーマー。時間、空間、静寂を拡大させるミニマリズム的作曲に取り組み、時間的・空間的な体験を創り出す。彼女の作品は、紙風船やガラス瓶など、繊細で脆いオブジェクトを考察する。melange edition label、amespaceを経営し、mumei publishingの共同編集者。www.ryokoakama.com ジェラード・レビック:彼の音楽作品は即興や構成の形式の間を往来する。音波、時間や空間といった事象に焦点をおいている。Sokolowskoで開催されている実験的かつ新しい音楽のためのSanatorium of Sound Festival/Platformのディレクター。www.gerardlebik.net
Ryoko Akama is a sound artist/composer/performer, who approaches minimalistic compositions that magnify silence, time and space and offer quiet temporal/spatial experiences. Her works examine delicate and fragile objects such as paper balloons and glass bottles, creating tiny occurrences that embody ‘almost nothing’ aesthetics. She runs melange edition label, amespace and co-edits mumei publishing. www.ryokoakama.com Gerard Lebik - his music and sound works oscillate between improvised and composed forms. Using acoustic and electronic media, he focuses on such phenomena as time, space, the perception of sound waves. From 2014 creates Sanatorium Dźwięku - festival/platform for experimental and new music. www.gerardlebik.net