神秘のライ・テクThe Mysterious Lai Teck
ホー・ツーニェンHo Tzu Nyen
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 大スタジオKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre Large Studio
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.12 Tue 18:00 / 20:30 2.13 Wed 17:30 / 20:30 上演時間Run Time 55分55 min 2.12 Tue 18:00 / 20:30 2.13 Wed 17:30 / 20:30 上演時間Run Time 55分55 min
Adv & Door¥3,500
- 中国語(英語、日本語字幕)Mandarin (subtitled in English and Japanese)
委嘱:Singapore International Festival of Arts(シンガポール)
共同製作:International Summerfestival Kampnagel(ハンブルク)、 国立現代美術館(韓国)、Arts Centre Melbourne and Asia TOPA(メルボルン)、Holland Festival(アムステルダム)、Kunstenfestivaldesarts(ブリュッセル)、TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜(日本)、紅磚美術館(北京)
Concept, Direction, Text, Edit: Ho Tzu Nyen
Performer, Voice, Translation: Tay Kong Hui
Research Consultant: Marc Opper
Light Design, Set, Technical Manager: Andy Lim
Sound Design: Jeffrey Yue
Musician: Black to Comm
Animatronics: Creature NFX Workshop
Digital Visual Effects & CG: Graham Lamb
Production Stage Manager: Mirabel Neo
Administrative Producer: Yap Seok Hui
Producers: Tzu + ARTFACTORYCommissioned by Singapore International Festival of Arts (Singapore)
Co-Production: International Summerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg), National Museum of Modern & Contemporary Art (Korea), Arts Centre Melbourne and Asia TOPA (Melbourne), Holland Festival (Amsterdam), Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels), TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (Japan), Red Brick Art Museum (Beijing)
Concept, Direction, Text, Edit: Ho Tzu Nyen
Performer, Voice, Translation: Tay Kong Hui
Research Consultant: Marc Opper
Light Design, Set, Technical Manager: Andy Lim
Sound Design: Jeffrey Yue
Musician: Black to Comm
Animatronics: Creature NFX Workshop
Digital Visual Effects & CG: Graham Lamb
Production Stage Manager: Mirabel Neo
Administrative Producer: Yap Seok Hui
Producers: Tzu + ARTFACTORY
The Mysterious Lai Teck centers around a man known as Lai Teck, leader of the Malayan Communist Party from 1939 to 1947, revealed to be a triple agent working with the French, British and Japanese secret service. We are confronted with a controversial being, veiled, draped and drowning in projections, oscillating between life and death. He presents a research that is nurtured by other agents, spies and traitors, whose testimonies are edited, selected and re-narrated by the police, a story haunted by ghosts and gaps. What begins as an autobiography gradually shifts into a polylogue about the ruthlessness of becoming, of being untimely, of crossing lines: between fiction and reality, espionage and treachery, Asia and the World.
ホー・ツーニェンHo Tzu Nyen
しばしば歴史的・哲学的テクストや素材への取り組みから始め、映画、インスタレーション、演劇的パフォーマンスを作る。近作の多くは変容する人物像、例えばトラ人間(『一頭あるいは数頭のトラ』、2017年)、三重スパイ(『The Nameless』、2015年)、裏切者(『神秘のライ・テク』、2018)などを扱っており、混成的で矛盾に満ちた東南アジアという地域の曖昧な輪郭をナラティヴの発生装置として活用する、現在進行中のアンブレラ・プロジェクト『The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia』がそれらを包括している。ドイツ学術交流会奨学金(ベルリン、2014〜2015)、Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation Signature Art Prize(2015)を授与されている。
Ho Tzu Nyen makes films, installations and theatrical performances that often begin as engagements with historical and philosophical texts and artifacts. His recent works are populated by metamorphic figures such as the weretiger (One or Several Tigers, 2017), the triple agent (The Nameless, 2015), the traitor (The Mysterious Lai Teck, 2018) under the rubric of The Critical Dictionary of Southeast Asia, an ongoing umbrella project which uses the fuzzy outlines of the heterogeneous and contradictory region as a generator of narratives. He was awarded a DAAD Scholarship in Berlin (2014 – 2015) and the Grand Prize of the Asia Pacific Breweries Foundation Signature Art Prize (2015).

Photographed by Matthew Teo, courtesy of ArtReview Asia Spring 2017