日本国憲法The Constitution of Japan
IDIOT SAVANT theater companyIdiot Savant theater company
- yoshidamachi Lilyyoshidamachi Lily
- 〒 231-0041 横浜市中区吉田町4-9Map4-9 Yoshidamachi, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0041Map
2.12 Tue 19:00 2.13 Wed 19:00 2.14 Thu 13:30 / 19:00 2.15 Fri 13:30 / 19:00 2.16 Sat 13:30 / 19:00 2.17 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min 2.12 Tue 19:00 2.13 Wed 19:00 2.14 Thu 13:30 / 19:00 2.15 Fri 13:30 / 19:00 2.16 Sat 13:30 / 19:00 2.17 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit ¥2,000
- 日本語Japanese
この時代に間違いはないのか。人間の幸福は満ち足りているか、日本人の美意識はどこにいった。幾つもの難題に人生をかけあがき続け強烈に訴える、鬼才恒十絲が描く衝撃の問題作。日本国憲法を通し現代の日本に問いかける。狂いはじめた世相に今、IDIOT SAVANTがまっすぐに応答する。君よ、歳月を負うのは嘘つきになることではないのだよ。彼が汚れた凪を見つめた。世界の片隅で起きる、演劇を超える演劇を刮目せよ。
Can we say for certain that there is nothing wrong with our present era? Are people truly happy and content? What has happened to Japanese people’s aesthetic values? This is a shocking and controversial piece of theatre directed by Koh-toh-shi, a uniquely talented artist who has committed his life to taking on difficult challenges. He interrogates modern Japanese society through the Constitution of Japan. IDIOT SAVANT theatre company responds straightforwardly to the current society, which seems to be getting out of joint. You must not lie and avoid facing the years passing by. He stared at a turbid lull. Watch this performance, which goes beyond conventional theatre and takes place in one corner of the world.
IDIOT SAVANT theater companyIdiot Savant theater company
05年結成。恒十絲の硬質で抒情的な詩・テキストを基軸に、固有の張り詰めた作品空間をつくる。13年『いのちづたひ』では12時間×5回公演を敢行。18年ハイナー・ミュラー『ハムレットマシーン』フェスに参加、好評を博す。TPAMやベップアートマンスにも参加、廃映画館や寺院など、表現の舞台は劇場だけに留まらない。17年より豪州のBelloo Creativeとの新作「SAND」の共同制作を開始。
The IDIOT SAVANT theater company was founded in 2005 and it has developed an alternative style of performance that weaves filmed images, contemporary music, and lyrical texts written by company founder Koh-toh-shi, a writer-director and a poet. Pursuing its own theory of body expression, the company has devised a specific style referred to as “Impassioned tableau theater,” expressing less to enhance the audience’s imagination. The company is still evolving to create and convey unique theatrical spaces. IDIOT SAVANT began collaborating with Belloo (Australia) at TPAM 2017 for a new project titled SAND.