Co. 山田うんCo. Un Yamada
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 ホールKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre Hall
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.16 Sat 19:00 2.17 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min 2.16 Sat 19:00 2.17 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min
前売 一般¥5,000
当日 一般¥5,500
前売 一般(早割)¥4,300
前売 学生¥4,000
当日 学生¥4,500
プロフェッショナルTPAM参加登録者特典:前売・当日 ¥500割引
AudienceAdv General¥5,000
Door General¥5,500
Adv General (Early-bird)¥4,300
Adv Student¥4,000
Door Student¥4,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: Adv & Door ¥500 discount
Originally created and performed in Aichi Triennale 2016, ikinone is inspired by the Flower Festival that takes place in Aichi Prefuture's Okumikawa, a tradition with over 700 years of history that has been designed as a Significant Intangible Folk Cultural Asset by the government of Japan. In a space with dirt, 16 dancers perform this piece filled with reverence for local traditions. Choreography and Direction: Un Yamada | Music: Satoru Wono | Dancers: Co. Un Yamada
Co. 山田うんCo. Un Yamada
Established in 2002, lead by Un Yamada. There are currently 16 dancers in the company. In Japan, the company is involved in a number of projects to use dance to revitalize rural areas: working with local governments and public theaters to create performances, holding workshops at education and welfare facilities, and taking part in community development projects and PR for regional specialty products. Additionally, by cooperating with people from food, fashion, and IT fields, the company participates in projects to explore new relationships between art and audience. Has performed abroad in Asia, the Middle-East, Europe, and America, both to participate in invited tour performances and to engage in numerous international collaborations.