Hand Shadows ANIMAREHand Shadows ANIMARE
劇団かかし座Shadow Play Theatre KAKASHIZA
- 横浜人形の家 あかいくつ劇場Yokohama Doll Museum Akaikutsu (Red Shoes) Theatre
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町18Map18 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0023Map
2.14 Thu 16:30 / 19:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.14 Thu 16:30 / 19:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
前売 大人¥2,500
前売 小人¥1,500
当日 大人¥3,000
当日 小人¥1,500
AudienceAdv Adult¥2,500
Adv Child¥1,500
Door Adult¥3,000
Door Child¥1,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
- 日本語・英語でのMC(英文要約配布)Nonverbal (MC in Japanese and English. English synopsis provided)
光と影を操る美しい映像、人の手が紡ぎ出す様々な生き物たちのシルエット。子供の頃、誰しもが一度は遊んだ記憶を持つ“手影絵”をさらに発展させ、作り上げた作品が、劇団かかし座が贈る『Hand Shadows ANIMARE』です。パフォーマーの素手と身体のみで繰り広げる、ユーモア溢れるストーリー、影に命が吹き込まれる瞬間、誰も見たことのないステージが始まります…。
Acrobatic hands weave animal silhouettes, beautiful images created by manipulating light and shadow. Surely, everyone has at least one childhood memory of making shadow puppets with their hands. At KAKASHIZA, we have honed the art of shadow-puppets into a high level performance technique. In Hand Shadows ANIMARE, shadow-puppet animals portray a loving story full of humor. You may be surprised by how the performers create these animals using only their bare hands and their bodies.
劇団かかし座Shadow Play Theatre KAKASHIZA
Founded in 1952, Shadow Play Theatre KAKASHIZA was the first professional theatre company focused on modern shadow play in Japan. The charm of shadow play lies within its magical effects, bringing infinite imagination to viewers. With such charming effects, KAKASHIZA has produced various works that draw people into the world of drama, inventing original drama styles that reinvent the genre of shadow play. In addition to creating new stage performances that contain advancements in the technique of shadow-puppetry, our company makes its work accessible not only in Japan but throughout the world through print publications, television appearances, and film and video work.