悲劇のヒロインDrama Queen
- 東京芸術劇場シアターウエストTokyo Metropolitan Theatre Theatre West
- 〒171-0021 東京都豊島区西池袋1-8-1Map1-8-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-0021Map
2.9 Sat 14:00 / 19:30 2.10 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 60分(予定)60 min (TBD) TPAMフリンジ会期前公演
2.7 Thu 19:30
2.8 Fri 14:00 / 19:30
2.9 Sat 14:00 / 19:30 2.10 Sun 14:00 上演時間Run Time 60分(予定)60 min (TBD) Before the period of TPAM Fringe
2.7 Thu 19:30
2.8 Fri 14:00 / 19:30
前売 一般¥3,500
当日 一般¥3,800
前売 25歳以下¥2,500円(要身分証)
当日 25歳以下¥2,800円(要身分証)
TPAM参加登録者特典:オリジナルポストカードAudienceAdv General¥3,500
Door Genral¥3,800
Adv U-25¥2,500 (ID required)
Door U-25¥2,800 (ID required)
*Only general tickets are available at TPAM Fringe. U-25 tickets can be purchased through other ticket agencies.
*Please show your TPAM Pass at the reception desk of the performance venue to receive your ticket. Please tell your name at the reception desk if you go see the performance before you get a TPAM Pass.
*If you are a wheelchair user, please directly contact: nibroll.ticket@gmail.com
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: A script (English ver.)
- 日本語Japanese
助成:芸術文化振興基金Presented by Nibroll, precog co.,LTD.
Associated with Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
Supported by Japan Arts Fund
Five actresses in tragic situations despair at their absurd circumstances. They resort to embellishment and sometimes even self-justification, raising their voices to tell the tale of their misfortune. This performances interrogates the relationship between the self and the world through a structure that portrays three separate dimensions of tragedy: tragedy that occurs in the real world, fake tragedy created by self-absorbed exaggerations of personal misfortune, and fictional tragedy that occurs on the stage. What is tragedy for those of us living in this current moment? And how can humanity confront the absurd?
Formed in 1997. Choreographer Mikuni Yanaihara is at the center of this dance company, which stages new works by collaborating with artists across a wide variety of fields, including video artist Keisuke Takahashi and musician SKANK. Nibroll's work goes beyond traditional theater venues. The company not only stages performances in museums and outdoor spaces, but also creates video works and other visual art, pursuing new possibilities for physical expression from a wide variety of perspectives.