2.14 Thu 19:00 2.15 Fri 19:00 2.16 Sat 13:00 2.17 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min 2.14 Thu 19:00 2.15 Fri 19:00 2.16 Sat 13:00 2.17 Sun 13:00 上演時間Run Time 80分80 min
前売 一般¥3,000
当日 一般¥3,500
前売 学生¥2,000(要証明書提示)
1~3日目公演チケット1枚 + 4日目公演チケット¥5,000(ハイウッドのみ取扱い)
AudienceAdv General¥3,000
Door General¥3,500
Adv Student¥2,000 *ID required
1 through 4-day ticket¥10,000 *available only from Hiwood
A ticket for one of the performnaces on 2.14-16 + a ticket for the performance on 2.17 *available only from Hiwood¥5,000
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥200 discount from general ticket
助成:芸術文化振興基金 公益財団法人アサヒグループ芸術文化財団Planned and organized by Tesshu
Supported by Japan Arts Council, Asahi Group Arts Foundation
While a painter paints, there is a respondent facing the audience doing zen meditation who cannot see their work. Once the painter finishes and begins their own zen meditation, the respondent looks at the painting. At this point, the respondent is free to paint improvisationally, either adding to the piece or just painting over it. After trading roles back and forth, they generate a painting that provides a glimpse of true harmony. This performance explores the possibilities of dance that emerge from the bodies of two painters who meet through this constantly transforming painting. Featuring a variety of physical performers over four days. The themes for each day are "becoming," "residing," "destruction," and "void."
LIVEで描く行為が舞踏のようであることから舞描家として活動。2009年 向雲太郎 振付演出『遊機体』出演@壺中天。2009年5月 ポスターハリスギャラリー個展。 2015年6月 EGGORE『ネリヤカナヤ』イギリス公演。2016年11月 EGGORE『ネリヤカナヤ』@大阪市立芸術創造館。2015年3月 NADIF TRAUMARIS個展。2017年より禅問答LIVEを再開。
Created butoh dance-painting ("bubyou") after discovering that live painting was like a form of butoh. In 2009, Kumotaro Mukai directed and choreographed the piece Yuukitai at the Kochuten performance space. In May 2009, held an individual exhibit at Poster Harris Gallery. In June 2015, performed in EGGORE's Neriya Kanaya in England. In November 2016, performed EGGORE's Neriya Kanaya at the Osaka Municipal Art Innovation Center (ART COMPLEX). In March 2015, held an individual exhibit at NADIF TRAUMARIS. Resumed ZENMONDO LIVE performance in 2017.