アートサイトラウンジ「場づくりとアートの営み」Artsite Lounge “Creation of Space and Engagement in Art”
荻野亮一、青木拓磨、渡邉梨恵子Ryoichi Ogino, Takuma Aoki, Rieko Watanabe
- Kosha33(神奈川県住宅供給公社)Kosha33 (Kanagawa Prefectural Housing Supply Corporation)
- 〒231-8510 横浜市中区日本大通33Map33 Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8510Map
2.17 Sun 10:00 - 12:00 2.17 Sun 10:00 - 12:00
- 日本語(通訳なし)Japanese (without interpretation)
Artsite Lounge is a space for thinking about the relationship between art and the community in Yokohama. Today, a number of art workshops are organized in many different parts of the city, which underpins citizens’ art experience. It is a form of involvement in art that is somewhat different from art appreciation. In this Lounge, we would like to think about “facilitation” for these workshops and the roles of artists and facilitators who support the encounter between people and art, thereby reviewing how to proceed with a workshop. How do we design participants’ experience? Based on case studies and discussion by the guests as well as concrete episodes of what they put importance on in their worksites, we will consider the act of “creating space” anew.
*Artsite Lounge is a place for training and exchange created by Yokohama Artsite (https://y-artsite.org/), Yokohama City’s project for the development of regional culture. Anyone who is interested in regional culture can take part.
荻野亮一(社会学研究者)Ryoichi Ogino (Sociology Resercher)
Born in 1990. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities, Sophia University. Doctoral student at the Graduate School of Human Relations at Keio University. After working as an intern and then as a production assistant at Setagaya Pubic Theatre, he currently tutors production practice for drama at the Faculty of Letters at Keio University. He also serves as the representative of Kurashi no Chronicle, an art project that makes performances out of local life histories for which he has been planning a series of workshops for thinking about “loss” held in Fukushima, Tokyo and Osaka. His studies=practices develop under the theme of “self-expression that faces the difficulty of living.”
青木拓磨(音楽家/かたるべハッピーザ 代表)Takuma Aoki (Musician / Representative of Katarube Happyza)
Head of music group Paunch Wheel and a member of chorus group Gainen Hoshino. The general manager of Zou-no-hana Chorus that was derived from a workshop at Zou-no-hana Terrace in Yokohama City. He has participated in various projects by Yukio Shiba to provide music, including “Theater Zou-no-hana,” a theatrical factory night tour in Kitakyushu Hikari to kemuri, and Atarashii Kenpo no Hanashi at Tama 1KM Festival and has come to like ports and the sea for no reason. In 2017, he produced original songs and performance with social welfare corporation Katarubekai in a program of Yokohama Paratriennale. In 2018, he formed Katarube Happyza.

渡邉梨恵子(一般社団法人谷中のおかって 代表)Rieko Watanabe (Representative, Yanaka no Okatte)
Born in 1985. Graduated from the Department of Architecture, College of Science and Technology at Nihon University. She has headed Yanaka no Okatte since its founding in 2010. In collaboration with students and adults, she develops guruguru Ya→Mi→ Project, a Tokyo Artpoint project centered on the Yanaka district in Taito Ward. With the aim of approaching people’s living sphere through projects to promote not “consumption” but “dissemination” and “exchange,” thereby creating a “circulation” of cultural creation that nurtures people’s or the community’s vitality, she has been working on subtle and detailed coordination of projects.