APP(Asian Producers’ Platform)キャンプ in インドネシア 報告会「APPの繋がりがもたらしたものと今後への期待」APP (Asian Producers’ Platform) Camp in Indonesia: Debrief “Benefits of Working with APP and Plans for the Future”
奥田安奈、竹宮華美、目澤芙裕子Anna Okuda, Hanabi Takemiya, Fuyuko Mezawa
- Kosha33(神奈川県住宅供給公社)Kosha33 (Kanagawa Prefectural Housing Supply Corporation)
- 〒231-8510 横浜市中区日本大通33Map33 Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8510Map
2.9 Sat 13:00 - 15:00 2.9 Sat 13:00 - 15:00
- 日本語Japanese
第1部:APPキャンプ in インドネシア報告会
報告者:奥田安奈(A+K)、竹宮華美(京都造形芸術大学舞台芸術研究センター)、目澤芙裕子(ダンスカンパニーBaobab/ゴーチ・ブラザーズ/Dance New Air 2018)
Part 1: APP Camp in Indonesia Debrief
Reporters: Anna Okuda (A+K), Hanabi Takemiya (Kyoto Performing Arts Center [KPAC]), Fuyuko Mezawa (Dance Company Baobab / Gorch Brothers / Dance New Air 2018)
Part 2: Roundtable discussion with past participants
In autumn 2018, the fifth APP camp was held in the two cities of Yogyakarta and Jakarta. Following the four camps already planned with launch of APP, in South Korea (2014), Taiwan (2015), Japan (2016) and Australia (2017), the 2018 program ran using a new structure. Previous participants were at the centre of planning and management, tackling the various challenges of program planning, negotiations with local artists, theatres and facilities, working with the 30 new participants and running the program for the first time in Southeast Asia. The first part of the meeting will feature an introduction and debrief from three participants of the Indonesia camp dispatched by ON-PAM. In the second part of the meeting we will facilitate discussions between new campers and those who have attended a full four-camp term, discussing the influences and benefits that working with APP has had on their practice, as well as their expectations for the Macau, Hong Kong and Guangzhou camps in 2019.
奥田安奈(A+K)Anna Okuda (A+K)
Anna Okuda is a Japanese arts manager in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. After earning her B.A. in theater and film studies from Waseda University, she started her career as a theater administrator in Tokyo. Over ten years, she managed tours, budgets, box office, and PR & marketing for forty productions ranging from small, subsidized ones to large, commercial ones. To further develop her expertise in performing arts management, she enrolled in Master of Arts Management program at Carnegie Mellon University and earned her master’s degree in 2017. Currently, Anna helps performing artists and arts organizations develop audiences abroad.

竹宮華美(京都造形芸術大学舞台芸術研究センター)Hanabi Takemiya (Kyoto University of Art and Design, Performing Arts Center, Joint Usage/Research Center)
Takemiya Hanabi comes from Ehime Prefecture, and is currently based in Kyoto. She is a graduate of the stage design course with the Department of Performing Arts at the Kyoto University of Art and Design. Hanabi has been involved in curating, as well as producing contemporary dance and theatre in various projects since university. She is currently a member of the Kyoto Performing Arts Center (KPAC) at the Kyoto University of Art and Design, where she is the secretariat of the “Joint Use/Research Centre” which provides a space for artists to share their processes and collaboratively develop new work. From April 2018 she has additionally worked as a freelance theatre maker.

目澤芙裕子(ダンスカンパニーBaobab/ゴーチ・ブラザーズ/Dance New Air 2018)Fuyuko Mezawa (Dance Company Baobab / Gorch Brothers / Dance New Air 2018)
Fuyuko lived in Holland and Luxemburg for ten years in childhood. She practiced dance such as classic ballet, jazz dance and hiphop. In Obirin University, she learned contemporary dance and became a member of Dance Company Baobab choreographed by Wataru Kitao. Two years ago, she became freelance producer and administrator of international dance program in public theaters and performance of artists. From 2016, she was an Arts Academy member of Arts Council Tokyo for 2 years. Recently, she began working as an assistant producer in international projects and dance performances in public theaters.