仮構の歴史(仮題、ワーク・イン・プログレス)A Notional History (tentative title, work-in-progress)
ファイブ・アーツ・センターFive Arts Centre
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 中スタジオKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre Middle Studio
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
2.16 Sat 19:00 2.17 Sun 17:30 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min 2.16 Sat 19:00 2.17 Sun 17:30 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min
Adv & Door¥2,000
共同製作:TPAM – 国際舞台芸術ミーティング in 横浜(日本)
Performers: Fahmi Reza, Faiq Syazwan Kuhiri, Rahmah Pauzi
Director: Mark Teh
Producer: June TanExecutive Producer: Five Arts Centre (Malaysia)
Co-produced by TPAM – Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (Japan)
Performers: Fahmi Reza, Faiq Syazwan Kuhiri, Rahmah Pauzi
Director: Mark Teh
Producer: June Tan
In 2018, after 14 general elections and 61 years under the same regime, Malaysian citizens finally voted out the Barisan Nasional government who had been in power since independence in 1957. In 2008, on the 60th anniversary of the Malayan Emergency, a documentary was left unfinished, about an unfulfilled revolution launched by the outlawed Malayan Communist Party. In 2020, a new history textbook will be produced under a new government — updated with new additions, figures, erasures, exclusions, blindspots. In this work-in-progress documentary performance, three people investigate the possible histories for #MalaysiaBaharu (New Malaysia), intersecting the personal, the national, and the notional.
ファイブ・アーツ・センターFive Arts Centre
Five Arts Centre is a dynamic collective of Malaysian artists and producers, dedicated to generating alternative art forms and images in the contemporary arts landscape. It is well-known for cutting edge performances in theatre, dance, music and young people’s theatre, and incorporates aspects of the visual and digital arts as well. Formed in 1984, Five Arts Centre has been at the forefront of creating experimental, interdisciplinary and intercultural work, providing platforms for the next generation of arts practitioners. Contemporary social, political and cultural issues impinging on Malaysian life are precipitated by way of performances, exhibitions, creative seminars and research workshops.

ファーミ・レザFahmi Reza
クアラルンプールを拠点に、独学でグラフィック・デザイナーおよび政治活動家となる。ジャンル横断型アーティストとして、2002年以来数百点の政治的グラフィクスを作っているほか、忘れられた歴史的闘争についてのドキュメンタリー映画レクチャー・パフォーマンスを通してマレーシアのオフィシャルな歴史観に対抗している。なんちゃって歴史家でもあり、現在マレーシアのPusat Sejarah Rakyat(人民歴史センター)で理事を務めている。
Fahmi Reza is a self-taught graphic designer and political activist based in Kuala Lumpur. As a multidisciplinary artist, he has not only produced hundreds of political graphics since 2002 but also challenged Malaysia’s official history through his documentary films and lecture performances on forgotten historical struggles. He is also an armchair historian, and is currently on the board of directors of the Pusat Sejarah Rakyat (People’s History Centre) in Malaysia.

ファイク・シャズワン・クヒリFaiq Syazwan Kuhiri
映像プロデューサーだが、パフォーマーとしても活動。主にドキュメンタリー・パフォーマンスのプロジェクトに関わっており、最近ではマーク・テとのコラボレーションで『バージョン2020:マレーシアの未来完成図、第3章』(2017)、『Baling』(2015)、『Something I Wrote』(2013)に参加。また、ダンサー/振付家リー・レンシンの『B.E.D. (Episode 1)』(2014)、2016年にフェスティバル/トーキョーで上演されたサイト・スペシフィックな『B.E.D. (Episode 5)』に出演もしている。
Faiq Syazwan Kuhiri is a video producer who also moonlights as a performer. Engaging primarily in documentary performance projects, his recent collaborations with Mark Teh include Version 2020: The Complete Futures of Malaysia chapter 3 (2017), Baling (2015), and Something I Wrote (2013), amongst others. Faiq has also performed in the works of dancer-choreographer Lee Ren Xin — B.E.D. (Episode 1) in 2014, and the site-specific B.E.D (Episode 5) at the 2016 Festival/Tokyo.

ラーマー・パウジRahmah Pauzi
ビデオ・ジャーナリスト、ドキュメンタリー作家。ニューヨーク大学アーサー・L・カーター・ジャーナリズム研究所で修士号取得。現在マレーシアを拠点とするが、それ以前の10年間は主に米国でPBS、アルジャジーラ、チャンネル・ニュース・アジア、BFMラジオなどのメディアで活動。しばしば故郷、自発的亡命、人生の岐路、事実とフィクションの交差などをテーマとする。作品にVRドキュメンタリー『Return to Chernobyl』(2016年オンライン・ジャーナリズム賞)、『24』(シュチェチンヨーロッパ映画祭)、『Welcome to Malaysia』『King George Didn’t Know What’s Gonna Happen』(2017年オルタナティブ映画祭)など。
Rahmah Pauzi is a video journalist and documentary maker with an MA in News and Documentary from the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, New York University. Currently based in Malaysia, she spent much of the past decade in the U.S. and has done works for outlets such as PBS, Al Jazeera, Channel News Asia, and BFM Radio. Most of her works revolve around the themes of home, self-exile, crossroads, and the intersection of the factual and the fictional. Some of her works include VR documentary Return to Chernobyl (Online Journalism Award 2016), 24 (Szczecin European Film Festival), Welcome to Malaysia, and King George Didn’t Know What’s Gonna Happen (Alternative Film Festival 2017).

マーク・テMark Teh
Mark Teh is a researcher and performance maker based in Kuala Lumpur. His diverse, collaborative projects are particularly engaged with the issues of history, memory and the urban context, often taking on documentary and speculative forms. His practice is situated primarily in performance, but also operates via exhibitions, interventions, writing, curating, and education. Mark graduated with an MA in Art and Politics from Goldsmiths, University of London, and is a member of Five Arts Centre, a collective of interdisciplinary artists, producers and activists in Malaysia.