存在の耐えられない暗黒(ワーク・イン・プログレス)UnBearable Darkness (work-in-progress)
チョイ・カファイ[ベルリン/シンガポール]Choy Ka Fai [Berlin / Singapore]
- KAAT神奈川芸術劇場 大スタジオKAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Large Studio
- 〒231-0023 横浜市中区山下町281Map281 Yamashita-cho, Yokohama 231-0023 Map
- 2.12 Mon 20:00
- 2.13 Tue 16:30 / 20:00
- 上演時間Run Time 50 min
*Information on ticket sales for the additional performance is here
プロフェッショナル ¥1,000
オーディエンス ¥2,500(2018.1.13発売)
Professional ¥1,000
Audience ¥2,500 (sales start on 2018.1.13)
- 日本語(英語字幕)Japanese (subtitled in English)
共同製作:tanzhaus nrw、KYOTO EXPERIMENT
助成:Kunststiftung NRW
協力:慶應義塾大学アート・センター 土方巽アーカイヴUnBearable Darkness is co-produced by tanzhaus nrw and Kyoto Experiment, with support from Kunststiftung NRW Germany. The research process is further supported by The Saison Foundation, The Japan Foundation Asia Center and Hijikata Tatsumi Archive at Keio University Art Center.
チョイ・カファイが舞踏の遺産を調査し、今日における舞踏の妥当性と可能性を問う。1978年のヨーロッパ進出以来、舞踏は様々な形で文化的融合、精神修養、厄払い的パフォーマンスとして拡散している。このリサーチは舞踏の創始者である故・土方巽が送り得たかもしれない余生を探るもので、口寄せによる土方本人の霊へのインタビューを敢行し、彼に新作ダンスの創作への参加を依頼してある。『存在の耐えられない暗黒』が提案する振付的な命題はこうである — 亡霊による振付は可能か? 霊魂と共に踊るためのテクノロジーの可能性とは? 出演:捩子ぴじん。12日に麿赤兒(大駱駝艦)、13日(20:00の回)に日野昼子(劇団解体社、土方巽の遺作『東北歌舞伎計画』出演)のゲスト出演あり。
Choy Ka Fai investigates the legacy of Butoh, inquiring on the relevance and potentiality of Butoh today. Since the spread of Butoh to Europe in the 1978, Butoh has expanded into various forms of cultural assimilations, spiritual cultivation and performative exorcism. The research traces the possible afterlives of its founder — Tatsumi Hijikata, interviewing and inviting his spirit to collaborate in the making of a new dance creation. UnBearable Darkness proposes a choreographic proposition — how does a ghost choreograph? What are the technological possibilities to dance with Hijikata again? Performed by Pijin Neji, with guest appearances of Akaji Maro (Dairakudakan) on the 12th and Hiruko Hino (Gekidan Kaitaisha), who performed in Hijikata’s last work Tohoku Kabuki Project, on the 13th (the performance at 20:00 only).
チョイ・カファイChoy Ka Fai
チョイ・カファイ(1979年、シンガポール生まれ)は、ベルリンを拠点にダンス、演劇、アート等様々な分野を自由に横断し活動。Royal Collage of Art(ロンドン)デザイン・インタラクション修士課程を修了。Sadler’s Wells(2016年、ロンドン)、ImPulsTanz Festival(15年、ウィーン)、Tanz im August(13、15年ベルリン)等世界中の劇場・フェスティバルにて作品を上演。17年よりtanzhaus nrw(デュッセルドルフ)レジデント・アーティスト。
Choy Ka Fai (b. 1979, Singapore), currently based in Berlin, works freely across the various disciplines of dance, theatre, and visual art. He graduated from the Royal College of Art, London, with an MA in Design Interaction. His projects have been presented at major festivals worldwide, including Sadler’s Wells, London, United Kingdom (2016), ImPulsTanz Festival, Vienna, Austria (2015), and Tanz im August, Berlin, Germany (2013 & 2015). He is currently the resident artist at tanzhaus nrw in Düsseldorf from 2017–2019.

土方巽の霊The Spirit of Tatsumi Hijikata
Tatsumi Hijikata (9 Mar 1928 – 21 Jan 1986) was a Japanese Choreographer, and a founder of Butoh. Butoh arose in Japan at the end of the 1950s encompassing a diverse range of techniques including dance, performance, theatre, and movement. Hijikata would often refer to his form of physical expression as ankoku butō (“dance of darkness”). Choy Ka Fai invoked Hijikata’s Spirit on his 31st death anniversary in 2017 at his tomb to reignite hope for our choreographic futures. His spirit is now based in Ito city on the eastern shore of Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.

Avatar of Tatsumi Hijikata (Age 58)