STスポットセレクション|A.『隙間を埋めるのにブロッコリーを使うまで』|B.『毛美子不毛話』|C.『妖精の問題』ST Spot Selection | A. “Steps to find use of broccoli for filling the gap” | B. “Favonia’s Fruitless Fable” | C. “The Question of Faeries”
福留麻里×村社祐太朗、Q Mari Fukutome × Yutaro Murakoso, Q
- STスポットST Spot
- 〒220-0004 横浜市西区北幸1-11-15 横浜STビルB1FMapYokohama ST Bldg. B1F, 1-11-15 Kita-saiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0004Map
- 2.9 Fri 20:00 - A
- 2.10 Sat 16:00 - A / 21:00 - A
- 2.11 Sun 16:00 - A
- 2.12 Mon 13:00 - A / 17:00 - A
- 2.14 Wed 19:30 - B
- 2.15 Thu 19:30 - C
- 2.16 Fri 14:00 - C / 19:30 - B
- 2.17 Sat 14:00 - B / 19:30 - C
- 2.18 Sun 13:00 - C / 18:00 - B
- 上演時間Run Time A. 60 min|B. 100 min |C. 100 min
日時:2.11 Sun 19:30 開場
詳細は新聞家ウェブサイトにてRelated event:
Sinbunka "Tatemai"
Dates: 2.11 Sun 19:30 Open
For more detail, please go to http://sinbunka.com/
A. 福留麻里×村社祐太朗『隙間を埋めるのにブロッコリーをつかうまで』
前売 ¥3,000
当日 ¥3,500
B・C. Q『毛美子不毛話』・『妖精の問題』
前売 ¥3,500
当日 ¥4,000
A. Mari Fukutome × Yutaro Murakoso “Steps to find use of broccoli for filling the gap”
Adv ¥3,000
Door ¥3,500
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500
B・C. Q “Favonia’s Fruitless Fable” and “The Question of Faeries”
Adv ¥3,500
Door ¥4,000
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500
- A. 日本語|B・C. 日本語(英語字幕あり)A. Japanese|B・C. Japanese (Subtitled in English)
A. 福留麻里×村社祐太朗『隙間を埋めるのにブロッコリーを使うまで』
http://stspot.jp/schedule/?p= 4111
B. Q『毛美子不毛話』
C. Q『妖精の問題』
ST Spot has strove to broaden the horizons of the performing arts in Japan and overseas for 30 years. During this time, countless talented artists have emerged from ST Spot. Now, ST Spot presents two performances by a new experimental performance by choreographer Mari Fukutome and playwright Yutaro Murakoso, and also the emerging theater group Q, whose works have recently drawn international attention.
A. Mari Fukutome × Yutaro Murakoso “Steps to find use of broccoli for filling the gap”
“I fill in the estimated life insurance payment. I plug the gaps in the lunch boxes with broccoli. In this way, I sense what it means to have a family.” An experiment to reconstruct drama, after the exposure of the tenuous relationship between reality and the stage.
More info / Contact
http://stspot.jp/schedule/?p= 4111
B. Q “Favonia’s Fruitless Fable”
First staged in 2016. Kishida Drama Prize nominee. Staged in 2017 in the official program of Seoul’s Marginal Theater Festival. Depicts “life” (in a biological sense) in our chaotic modern era, drawing on the author’s unique sensibility. A play for one man and one woman.
C. Q “The Question of Faeries”
A new work, created in 2017. Composed of three parts: rakugo (traditional Japanese storytelling), music, and a seminar. A one woman play. A critically engaged work that depicts what has been rendered invisible by the values of modern society. Features live piano performance.
More info / Contact
福留麻里×村社祐太朗 Mari Fukutome × Yutaro Murakoso
Mari Fukutome, who continuously presents dance works which spread concrete materials in a timeline, less with dizzy illusions recently, in collaboration with Yutaro Murakoso from theater company Sinbunka (Person of News Paper). The company is getting attention by their performances which show the texts strongly in solid appearance.
Theater by playwright, director, and novelist Satoko Ichihara. Draws on motifs of animals and sexuality to create work that reconstructs human behavior by observing humans as animals. Performances by Q are bursting with the vigorous energy of life itself.