テーリ・テムリッツ[千葉]Terre Thaemlitz [Chiba]
- BankART Studio NYK kawamata HallBankART Studio NYK kawamata Hall
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.15 Thu 18:30 / 21:00
- 上演時間Run Time 120 min (Q&A含む / including Q&A)
プロフェッショナル ¥1,000
オーディエンス ¥2,500(2018.1.13発売、peatixのみ取り扱い)
Professional ¥1,000
Audience ¥2,500 (sales start on 2018.1.13 at Peatix)
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
Composed from an openly non-spiritual perspective traveling between the U.S., Philippines and Japan, Soulnessless is an attempted deconstruction of notions of “soul,” “meditation,” “spirituality” and “religiosity” as fundamental forms of mediation between consumers and audio marketplaces. Under the constant cultural invocation of mystery lies politics. As with all of Thaemlitz’ electroacoustic performances, expectations around what constitutes a “live concert” are actively subverted. The performance focuses on audio/video for the album’s first four Cantos: Rosary Novena for Gender Transitioning, Traffic With the Devil, Pink Sisters, and Two Letters, to be concluded with audience Q&A.
テーリ・テムリッツTerre Thaemlitz
テーリ・テムリッツ(1968年生まれ)は数々の受賞歴のあるマルチメディアプロデューサー、ライター、講演者、教育者、編曲家、DJであり、コマトンズ・レコーディングスのオーナー。作品のテーマはアイデンティティー・ポリティックス(ジェンダー、 セクシュアリティー、階級、言語、民族、人種を含む)と商業メディアによる社会経済に対する批評を批判的に結びつけた物である。 15以上のアルバム、数々のビデオや本をリリースしている。
Terre Thaemlitz (1968) is an award winning multi-media producer, writer, public speaker, educator, DJ and owner of the Comatonse Recordings record label. Her work combines a critical look at identity politics — including gender, sexuality, class, linguistics, ethnicity and race — with an ongoing analysis of the socio-economics of commercial media production. He has released over 15 albums, along with numerous 12-inch singles and video works. Her writings have been published internationally in a number of books, academic journals and magazines.
