A. 遺書を書くための2つの小品①『a sample of an ill—語尾の病』|B. 遺書を書くための2つの小品②『a sample of a well—脈』A. 2 small pieces to write a will ① “a sample of an ill — endings disease” | B. 2 small pieces to write a will ② “a sample of a well — vein”
- 新宿眼科画廊スペースO(A)Shinjuku Ophthalmologist Gallery Space O (A)
- 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿5-18-11 Map5-18-11 Shinjyuku, Shinjyuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022Map
- 南軽井沢稲葉邸(B)Minami Karuizawa Inaba House (B)
- 〒220-0002 横浜市西区南軽井沢15-17Map15-17 Minami-karuizawa, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0002Map
- 2.9 Fri 19:00 - A
- 2.10 Sat 14:00 - A / 19:00 - A
- 2.11 Sun 14:00 - A / 19:00 - A
- 2.12 Mon 15:00 - A / 19:00 - A
- 2.13 Tue 15:00 - A / 19:00 - A
- 2.14 Wed 14:00 - A
- 2.16 Fri 19:00 - B
- 2.17 Sat 14:00 - B / 19:00 - B
- 2.18 Sun 14:00 - B / 19:00 - B
- 上演時間Run Time A・B 60 min
A ¥2,500
B ¥2,000
A ¥2,500
B ¥2,000
TPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥300 discount
- 日本語Japanese
「遺書を書くための2つの小品」題し、 カジュアルに死について考えられる場所を作ります。 1つめのテーマは「言葉の死」。だわ、でやんす、あるよ、 等の語尾に象徴される属性の考察から、「普通の」 わたしたちに相応しいジェネリックな話法を発見するための物語り です。2つめの公演は横浜の古民家でやります。 旧東海道にほど近いこの場所から「家の死」をテーマに、 わたしたちの身体と土地の関係性の再構築を試みます。
TEL: 090-1738-6302
In "Two Small Pieces to Write a Will," we create a casual space for thinking about death. The theme of the first piece is "the death of language." This piece explores variations in language, in pursuit of a generic mode of speech. The second piece will be performed in a traditional Japanese house in Yokohama. In this location near the Old Tokaido Road, we re-construct the relationship between our bodies and the land to create a piece on the theme of "the death of home (family)."
More information / Contact
TEL: 090-1738-6302
Founded in March, 2011. A collaboration between theater artists and illustrators. Their unique directing style creates a seamless connection between the audience and the stage. The group name "mimimal" refers to a single hair growing in the wrong place (noise).