七つの大罪The Seven Deadly Sins
Co. 山田うんCo. Un Yamada
- YCC ヨコハマ創造都市センター 3FYCC Yokohama Creativecity Center 3F
- 〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8315Map
- 2.16 Fri 20:00
- 2.17 Sat 15:00 / 18:00
- 上演時間Run Time 45 min
General ¥3,000
※ For general, please email to office.coyamadaun@gmail.com to make a reservation.
TPAM Registant Benefit: ¥2,700
- 一部台詞あり(主に英語)Mainly in English
An adaptation of Bertolt Brecht's ballet chanté The Seven Deadly Sins. Anna goes on a journey through seven cities and returns home, without giving in to the seven deadly sins of Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Greed, and Envy. This didactic story presents a biting critique of the paradox inherent in capitalist society. Originally performed in 2015 with live accompaniment by four musicians, for TPAM 2018 it has been re-imagined as a piece for only three performers, including violin accompaniment by Ohta Keisuke.
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Co. 山田うんCo. Un Yamada
振付家、ダンサー。器械体操、バレエ、舞踏などを経験し、2002年Co.山田うん設立。オペラ、演劇の振付や、世界各国のプロダンサー育成でも活躍。カンパニーには現在16名のダンサーが所属し、ソロダンスから群舞までその繊細かつダイナミックな作品は世界中 から注目を浴び、国内、アジア、中東、欧米等で活動中。平成26年度芸術選奨文部科学大臣新人賞受賞。平成28年度文化庁文化交流使。
Choreographer and dancer. Founded Co. Un Yamada in 2002 after working in genres including gymnastics, ballet, and butoh. Choreographer for theatre and opera. Engages in professional development for dancers around the globe. The company currently includes 16 dancers. Creates subtle and dynamic dance performances, both solo work and large scale productions. The company tours throughout Japan and also in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and America. Recipient of the 2014 MEXT Emerging Artist Award. Appointed a 2018 Japanese Cultural Envoy.