BankART Studio NYK kawamata HallBankART Studio NYK kawamata Hall
ク・ジャヘ × シアター、ディフィニトリー[ソウル]Jahye Khoo × theater, definitely [Seoul]
- BankART Studio NYK kawamata HallBankART Studio NYK kawamata Hall
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.13 Tue 16:30
- 2.14 Wed 16:30 / 19:30
- 上演時間Run Time 70 min
*Information on ticket sales for the additional performance is here
プロフェッショナル ¥1,000
オーディエンス ¥2,500(2018.1.13発売、peatixのみ取り扱い)
Professional ¥1,000
Audience ¥2,500 (sales start on 2018.1.13)
- 韓国語(日本語・英語字幕)Korean (subtitled in Japanese and English)
2016年、初演当時のタイトルは初演が行なわれた劇場の名前『演劇実験室ヘファ洞1番地』だった。当時、舞台は主役のイリが住んでいた屋根裏部屋になった。イリはそこでひとり暮らしをしている女性で、役者としての不安定さや貧しさを呟き続けた。それから1年あまり、イリはスーツケースを持って2回引っ越した。いつでも旅立てるようにいつでも荷物を運び歩きながら、自分の居場所と舞台を探し続けているイリ。彼女がそのスーツケースを持って横浜のBankART Studio NYKのkawamata Hallに辿り着く。そして、ひとりで舞台に上がる。演技もオペも、自分の売り込みもひとりでこなしながら、ふたたび今の自分の生について語る。
In 2016, the title of this piece was “Theatre Lab Hyehwa-dong 1,” the name of the venue where it was premiered. At that time the stage became the garret where the actress Iri lived. Iri was living there alone, and she kept murmuring about the unstable life and poverty of an actress. In about one year since then, she moved twice with her suitcase. She has always been carrying her luggage so that she can travel anytime, looking for her place and stage, and she finally reaches the kawamata Hall of BankART Studio NYK in Yokohama. She goes on the stage alone. Doing everything from acting and technical operation to self-promotion, she speaks about her life again there.
ク・ジャヘ × シアター、ディフィニトリーJahye Khoo × theater, definitely
劇団「シアター、デフィニトリー」(theatre, definitely)の主宰で劇作家、演出家。セウォル号の加害者たちの言葉を再構成した『キリング・タイム』、彼らを追跡する物語『倫理の感覚』、韓国芸術界の性暴力を取り扱った『加害者探求_付録:謝罪文作成ガイド』などの加害者シリーズや、韓国演劇界の商業性を扱った『コマーシャル、デフィニトリー』などを発表してきた。大学路の小劇場「演劇実験室ヘファ洞1番地」を拠点に活動する若手演出家たちの同人「ヘファ洞1番地」の6期同人のひとり。
Playwright / director who leads her company “theatre, definitely.” She has presented a series of works about perpetrators including Killing Time that reconstructed words of those who were responsible for the sinking of MV Sewol, A Sense of Ethics, a story of chasing them, and A Study on Perpetrators_With a Appendix for How to Write an Apology about sexual violence in the arts communities in Korea, as well as commercial, definitely, about the commercialism in Korean theatre. One of the sixth season members of “Hyehwadong 1,” a group of young theatre directors based at a small theatre “Theatre Lab Hyehwadong 1” in Daehangno, Seoul.
©SayQ studio