ヨコハマアートサイト「アートサイトラウンジ vol.17~まちとアートの仲人たち」Yokohama Artsite “Artsite Lounge vol.17 — Matchmakers Between the City and Art”
石神夏希、宮永琢生、宮武亜季、横井貴子Natsuki Ishigami, Takuo Miyanaga, Aki Miyatake, Takako Yokoi
- BankART Studio NYK, 2B GalleryBankART Studio NYK, 2B Gallery
- 〒231-0002 横浜市中区海岸通3-9Map3-9 Kaigan-dori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0002Map
- 2.18 Sun 11:00 - 13:00
- 上演時間Run Time
Admission free
Creations and presentations breaking out of theaters, museums or halls to develop themselves in the region itself as their stage have been increasing, and more and more attentions have been on activities where works of art are created and developed in cooperation with the region. What kinds of roles are people who connect the region and art are expected to play? Inviting four guests with different backgrounds, we will discuss the future of regional art projects.
Guests: Natsuki Ishigami, Takuo Miyanaga, Aki Miyatake, Takako Yokoi
Yokohama Artsite: Yokohama City’s project for regional culture that supports the development and growth of the arts and culture in cooperation with the region to make Yokohama an even more attractive city through grants and “Artsite Lounge,” a place for sharing thoughts.
石神夏希(ぺピン結構設計)Natsuki Ishigami (Pepin Structural Designs)
1980年生まれ。高校卒業と同時に劇団・ペピン結構設計を結成。都市やコミュニティを素材にサイトスペシフィックな演劇やアートプロジェクトを手がける。横浜での主な作品は本牧アートプロジェクト『ギブ・ミー・チョコレート!』、スマートイルミネーションみどり『さかさまなかやま』など。そのほか、NPO法人場所と物語理事長、遊休不動産を活用したクリエイティブ拠点「The CAVE」の立ち上げおよびプログラムディレクションを担当。
Born in 1980. Founded Pepin Structural Designs upon graduating high school, she has been creating site-specific theatre works and art projects of which materials are the city and community. Among her works in Yokohama are Give Me Chocolate! at Honmoku Art Project and Sakasama Nakayama at Smart Illumination Midori. She is also the president of a nonprofit organization Places and Narratives and in charge of the program direction of The CAVE, a creative base making use of under-utilized real estate.

Photo by Kota Sugawara
宮永琢生(劇団ままごと)Takuo Miyanaga (mamagoto)
Born in Tokyo in 1981. Producer of a theatre company “mamagoto.” The owner of “Café mamagoto” (temporarily closed). Representative of a project management unit “ZuQnZ.” He took part in the management of Seinendan led by Oriza Hirata and founded mamagoto together with playwright / director Yukio Shiba in 2009. Since then he has been involved in the creations and productions of mamagoto and other activities in theatre focusing on “relationship with audience.” He plans to start a dual-based project between Tokyo and Shodo-shima Island, aiming to establish a library on the island.

宮武亜季(居間 theater/PARADISE AIR)Aki Miyatake (ima theater / PARADISE AIR)
1987年兵庫県生まれ。大学在学中より舞台芸術の制作やコーディネートをはじめる。「急な坂スタジオ」、「としまアートステーション構想」事務局を経て、2017年より松戸市のアーティスト・イン・レジデンス「PARADISE AIR」運営に携わる。日常のふるまいとパフォーマンスを掛け合わせ、多様な人や場所と関わる作品を作り出すプロジェクト「居間 theater」メンバー。
Born in Hyogo in 1987 and started to be involved in management and coordination of performing arts while studying at university. After working at Steep Slope Studio and the secretariat of Toshima Art Station Koso, she has been managing PARADISE AIR, an artist-in-residence project in Matsudo City, since 2017. She is also a member of ima theater, a project for creating works that build relationships with diverse people and places through combining gestures of daily life and performance.

Photo by Hajime Kato
横井貴子(フェスティバル/トーキョー実行委員会事務局)Takako Yokoi (Festival/Tokyo Executive Committee Secretariat)
Graduated from the theatre department of Nihon University College of Art. In charge of management and personnel training at Festival/Tokyo. While being a college student, she started to be involved in management of such companies as lolo and Fukin Kobo as well as Edamitsu Engeki Festival. After working on the base management and project coordination for “Theatre Centre F: Theatre Pavillion” (Koganecho Bazaar 2014), she has been in the Executive Committee Secretariat of Festival/Tokyo since 2015, where she coordinates supporters, internship projects and workshop tours.