March 6th [Tue] 19:15-21:15 / Marunouchi Building Hall
Director: SASAKI Atsushi [critic] |
The period in which the usage of digital technology itself assured the novelty of music, or creation in general, has long been over. However, we cannot be satisfied with a mere retrogression of musical and performance nodes. Therefore, I would like to introduce a unique group of artists who are able to joyfully create music and amuse audiences, and who are still aware of the importance of “calculation,” a concept given to “expression” resulting from twentieth century technical innovations. |
d.v.d - itoken + jimanica + ymg
A new type of trio presenting organic and mechanical music, consisting of a drums duo (Itoken and Jimanica) and geometrical pop images by visual artist, Yamaguchi Takashi (ymg). Their interactive “live installation,” in which two sets of drums control images and the said images play music through a synchronization of the instruments and images, has been attracting attention since Itoken/Jimanica/ymg first performed in 2006. This attention comes not only from the music industry, but also from those working in broader artistic contexts. d.v.d - itoken + jimanica + ymg will release a DVD in 2007.
Born in 1975. Established his label cubic music in 1999, and has since been working in diverse music-related projects. As an artist, he composed and played with units such as FilFla, minamo, fourcolor and fonica. He also works as a graphic designer and web designer, making artworks for his own label as well as other companies.
Formed in 2001 by Boredoms member YAMAMOTO Seiichi (g), with CHINA (ds, perc) to pursue constructive chamber-music grooves. Yoshitake EXPE (g), NISHI Ryota (syn), IEGUCHI Shigeki (syn), SENJU Muneomi (ds) joined later. Para apply their own rules, exploring improvisation's possibilities with a freedom and tension obtained through overcoming its constraints. They released their first album X-GAME (P-Vine) last November.
·Director:SASAKI Atsushi
Born in 1964. The director of HEADZ (headz-jp.com/). Manages labels and produces concerts. Published many books, among which are (H)EAR - Post Silence no Shoso [(H)EAR - Phases of Post Silence], Techno/Logical/Ongaku Ron [Techno/Logical Musical Theory], Soft and Hard, and ex-music. A guest professor of Keio University, Musashino Art University and Tokyo National University of Fine Arts & Music.