TPAM (Tokyo Performing Arts Market) is a market of performing arts such as theater, dance and music. First organized in 1995, it will be celebrating its eleventh meeting this time and drawing more and more attention of performing arts industries across the world.
“Presenters” who connect artists to audience such as those who are in charge of theaters and public halls, directors of festivals, producers, promoters, agents and company managers gather from Japan and the world.
· Booth Presentation
“Booth Presentation”, which allows you to meet many people in a short time, is an opportunity to appeal your work and exchange information using documents and videos. Exhibitors are limited to 30 groups this year so that sellers and buyers can intensively communicate.
· Showcase Performances
In showcases, highlights of selected performing arts are presented. Music showcases, which pulled much interest last year, will be organized again this year as well as theater and dance showcases.
· Visual Presentation
This year, artists and companies will be able to communicate with presenters more directly in “Visual Presentation”. Around 10 groups from each of theater, dance and music fields will appeal for realization of their projects using videos and actual performances.
· TPAM fringe
We will introduce performances that will be being presented in Tokyo and special performances in studios during the session of TPAM as “TPAM Fringe”. Participation in TPAM is not limited to the events in TPAM venue.
· Conferences
From issues about domestic systems related to performing arts to introducing activities of international performing arts markets and festivals, we plan practical seminars and lectures to consider the current situation of performing arts every year.