若手振付家オンラインショーケース +トークOnline showcase of Young Choreographers + talk
目澤芙裕子(Baobab / ゴーチ ・ブラザーズ / SooN)Fuyuko Mezawa (Baobab / Gorch Brothers / SooN)
Online showcase and Talk session with 5 young choreographers and dance companies who want to perform overseas show 15-20 minutes performances.
Species -種-Species
井田亜彩実Asami Ida
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
- 日本語・英語Japanese, English
出演:豊永洵子 荒俣夏美 南帆乃佳 井田亜彩実
音楽編集:井田亜彩実 衣装:豊永洵Choreographer: Asami Ida
Performers: Junko Toyonaga, Natsumi Aramata, Honoka Minami, Asami Ida
Music compose: Asami Ida Costume: Junko Toyonaga

私達人間は遠い昔、自然の一部から離れ、歩き始めた。確固たる地位を確立した裏で、孤独を背負い生きる本能を負う事となる。さらに孤独を助長していくかのようにテクノロジー、メディアが発展していき個々のつながりが希薄になる世の中。私たちが孤独から解放される術は、、、 未知なる未来に思いを馳せ、”種”としての一つの可能性を提案したいと思う。
“Species” is a daring contemporary dance piece, aiming to let the audience recognize how lonely we are. Millions of years ago, civilized humans were divided from the nature. As we develop, our animal instincts are being replaced with loneliness. Further, media and technology weaken our personal relations. Consuming more information makes us feel more isolated. Then, how could we be relieved from the loneliness? We present a possibility as a human “species” towards unknown future. The focus of the dance piece is a connection of four dancers, and we try to realize unity as a phenomenon.
井田亜彩実Asami Ida
筑波大、筑波大学院舞踊コースで平山素子に師事。2012年ベラルーシ国際コンペ日本人初優勝。2013年文化庁在外研修員。2013-2018年、”MARIA KONG”(イスラエル)在籍。帰国後、地域に根付いたアートの発信イベント”ARTopia!”ディレクター。ダンスハウス黄金4422レジデンスコレオグラファー。穂の国豊橋芸術劇場2020レジデンス。横浜ダンスコレクション2021ファイナリスト。
Asami was born in1986 in Japan.She studied at Tsukuba University of Dancing and education. She Joined Maria Kong dancers company in Israel in 2013-2018. Choreographed“Moth-蛾-[2018]”, “Species[2019]”, Performed all over the world. Also Directing Art Projects “ARTopia![2019-]”.She is also a residence choreographer of Dance house KOGANE and TOYOHASHI ART THEATER PLAT. She is nominated in Yokohama Dance Collection 2021 competition 1.
wint2dancer@gmail.com( Fuyuko Mezawa)
UMU -うむ- future edit.UMU future edit.
北尾亘Wataru Kitao
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
- 日本語・英語Japanese, English
出演:米田沙織(Baobab) 中村蓉 水越朋 中川絢音(水中めがね∞)Choreographer: Wataru Kitao
Dramaturg: Syungsuke Nakase(Baobab)
Music composer: Taro Okada(Waruishibai)
Performers: Saori Yoneda(Baobab) , Yo Nakamura, Tomo Mizukoshi, Ayane Nakagawa(Suichu Megane)

タイトルの『UMU –うむ-』は、3つのテーマを内包している。 [産む]・[膿む]・[有無] 24人の女性達とクリエーションした同名作を、男性ダンサー1人の身体にトレース。生命の誕生から現代への眼差しまでを肉体に落とし込み、「声なき叫び」として表現。映像演出を多用する特色と、30分〜60分まで伸縮自在な側面を持つ。 初演:北九州芸術劇場(2019年)映像収録:Baobab PRESENTS "DANCExScrum!!!2020"
“UMU” is the Japanese word which has several meanings such as “Give birth”, “form pus” and “existence and non-existence”. He created this work with 24 female dancers first and trace to one male dancer’s body. He express “The scream without voice” through body from birth to the sight of contemporary era. He constructs choreograph with multi-layer of movement include Hip hop dance and Butoh elements. This work can be adjust to 30 - 60 minutes flexibility. Premiere in Kitakyushu Performing Art Center (2019) / Recorded in Baobab PRESENTS "DANCExScrum!!!2020"
北尾亘Wataru Kitao
wint2dancer@gmail.com (目澤)
080-5024-215 (目澤)
Wataru had practiced several dance genres from Childhood. After graduated university, he established Dance company Baobab and participates in many festivals overseas.He choreographs play, movies, TV. He got " Yokohama Dance Collection 2018 Competition Ⅰ “Best dancer prize" (2018) and others. He has nominated "Bessies 2020" BEST OUTSTANDING PERFORMER.
wint2dancer@gmail.com (Fuyuko Mezawa)
理の行方 vol.6Pendulum Vol.6
中村蓉Yo Nakamura
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
- 日本語・英語Japanese, English
出演:池上たっくん 望月寛斗 田中彩 中村蓉Choreographer: Yo Nakamura
Performers: Takkun Ikegami, Hiroto Mochizuki, Aya Tanaka, Aya Tanaka

摩擦がなければ永遠なのに、摩擦がなければ愛じゃない。 2017年にデュエット『理の行方』を初演した後、大学生ダンサー約20名が踊る群舞ヴァージョン(理の行方2018~vol.5)も発表。今作は幾度の再創作を重ね、到達したカルテット。協力:穂の国とよはし芸術劇場PLAT〈ダンス・レジデンス2017〉
No friction, No Love. “Pendulum” was premiered in 2017. After that, Yo re-created group dance version “Pendulum 2018~vol.5” with 20 young dancers. She had a lot of consideration and precious experiences and finally arrived at this quartet “Pendulum vol.4” . Support:TOYOHASHI ARTS THEATRE PLAT 〈Dance Residence2017〉
中村蓉Yo Nakamura
東京拠点にルーマニア・ブラジル・韓国などで作品を上演し国内外で活動中。二期会オペラ『ジューリオ・チェーザレ』ドイツマインフランケン劇場『NIXON IN CHINA』やsumika『MAGIC』MVの振付を担当。セッションベスト賞、横浜ダンスコレクションEX2013、エルスール財団新人賞などを受賞。
wint2dancer@gmail.com (目澤)
080-5024-215 (目澤)
Yo was invited to perform at Sibiu International Theater Festival in Romania, National Theatre Wales residency program “Wales Lab” and others. She has provided stage choreography for the opera “NIXON IN CHINA” in Germany. [Awards] 2013: Yokohama Dance Collection EX,2016: the new face award of Elsur Foundation and others.
wint2dancer@gmail.com (Fuyuko Mezawa)
鼈Soft-shelled turtle
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
- 日本語・英語Japanese, English
振付・出演:小林利那 藤島美乃里
Choreograph & Performers :Rina Kobayashi, Minori Fujishima

- 不細工で滑稽。言葉のない会話。 2017年1月の初演以来、7度目の上演となる。鼈の「一度噛みついたら雷が鳴っても離れない」という執着心を作品創作のマインドにおき、2人の身体でしか生み出せない造形や動きを、再演を重ねる度に模索した。また、日本語で丸裸のさまを表す「すっぽんぽん」という言葉の響きにもインスピレーションを受け、振付や演出に反映されている。
This piece is shown 7 times since premiere in 2017.- I am plain and am funny. A conversation without words. We can't leave even thunder sounded like Soft-shelled turtle. We create and explored molding and movement to bring out only from our 2 human bodies through several performances. In addition, I receive inspiration in the sound of the word "SUPPONPON means "be stark naked" .
wint2dancer@gmail.com (目澤)
080-5024-215 (目澤)
Duet of Rina Kobayashi and Minori Fujishima. They started creation after graduated Nippon Women's College of Physical Education. Masterpiece "Soft-shelled turtle" wins of session house Award "Dance flower 2017" and Yokohama dance collection 2018 "Best dancer prize". They characterized with comical body woven by specific pause of them and try to find the way to reach the moon.
wint2dancer@gmail.com (Fuyuko Mezawa)
中川絢音×山道弥栄Nakagawa Ayane × Yamamichi Yae
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
2.14 Sun 18:00 - 21:00
- 日本語・英語Japanese, English
振付・出演:中川絢音Composer: Yae Yamamichi
Choreograph& Performer: Ayane Nakagawa

This work is based on a work ”TEIKA” of Japanese traditional performing art Noh. The choreographer and dancer is Nakagawa Ayane and her roots are Japanese dance and classical ballet. The composer is Yamamichi Yae. She has learned Japanese guitar shamisen since she was a child and has a deep knowledge of traditional Japanese performing arts. This work is their collaboration project.
中川絢音×山道弥栄Nakagawa Ayane × Yamamichi Yae
中川絢音(水中めがね∞):幼少よりクラシックバレエ、日本舞踊を学び、桜美林大学在学中に、コンテンポラリーダンスと出会い、”水中めがね∞”を立ち上げ。 山道弥栄:日本の古典音楽の豊かさと表現の可能性を追求し、伝統的な音楽書法を用いたオリジナル楽曲制作とそれを使用した舞踊作品を上演。東京藝術大学音楽学部音楽環境創造科卒業。木ノ下歌舞伎メンバー。クマ財団クリエイター奨学生3期生。
wint2dancer@gmail.com (目澤)
080-5024-215 (目澤)
Nakagawa Ayane (Suichu-megane∞):Ayane was learning classical ballet and Japanese traditional dance since childhood. She start contemporary dance at university and established Dance company Suichu-megane∞. Yamamichi yae: Yae produces original pieses using traditional Japanese music calligraphy. She graduated Musical Creativity and the Environment department of Tokyo Arts University. She is a member of theater company Kinoshita-Kabuki.
wint2dancer@gmail.com (Fuyuko Mezawa)