Dance Base YokohamaDance Base Yokohama
Dance Base YokohamaDance Base Yokohama
2020年6月に横浜馬車道にオープンした「Dance Base Yokohama (DaBY/デイビー)」は、プロフェッショナルなダンス環境の整備、及びダンスに関連するあらゆるクリエイター育成に特化した事業を企画・運営するダンスハウスです。
また、オンライン配信企画として、DaBYオープニング記念イベントで「ダンステレポーテーション」を発表し、今回のトライアウトにも参加する山﨑広太が振付を行った、ニュージーランドのダンスカンパニー「Footnote New Zealand Dance」の作品を発表します。今作は、感染症拡大の影響により来日が延期になったものです。
Dance Base Yokohama (DaBY) opened in June 2020. Located in Bashamichi, Yokohama, DaBY serves as a dancehouse that designs and organizes projects that specifically aim to improve the Japanese professional dance environment and support emerging creatives.
We will present two tryout performances as a double bill, where we will share mid-process works. These works were created by two groups of Japanese artists, who were part of DaBY’s initiatives and residency programs this year.
One of the groups is the DaBY Collective Dance Project, who has presented two tryout performances so far at DaBY. The other is Mina Nishimura and Kota Yamazaki, who are currently both based in the United States.
As part of the online video-streaming program, we will present the work of Footnote New Zealand Dance. The piece was choreographed by Kota Yamazaki, who presented his piece Dance Teleportation at DaBY’s Opening Event, and will be joining us for the tryout performance. The performance of this piece in Japan was unfortunately postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
山﨑広太振付 フットノート・ニュージーランド・ダンス『霧、神経、未来、オーシャン、ハロー(木霊する)』映像配信Video-Streaming of 『Fog, Nerve, Future, Ocean, Hello(Echoes) 』Choreographed by Kota Yamazaki, Footnote New Zealand Dance
フットノート・ニュージーランド・ダンスFootnote New Zealand Dance
2.8 Mon - 2.14 Sun
2.8 Mon - 2.14 Sun
共催:Dance Base Yokohama助成:文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(国際芸術交流支援事業)
公益財団法人アサヒグループ芸術文化財団Organized by HiWood Co., Ltd.
Co-organized by Dance Base YokohamaSupported by
The Japan Arts Council
Asahi Group Arts Foundation, Ltd.

Fog, Nerves, Future, Ocean, Hello (echoes) portrays the oceanic universe of neurotic, delicate and unpredictable human behaviors while exploring slippery, multi-layered and schizophrenic innate nature of man’s being. Inspired by landscape of Wellington, this work also seeks speaking words of interruption, oblivion, repetition and silence that float in space like water bubbles. Ultimately, this work attempts to reveal another dimension of Wellington through ever-transforming state and body of performers.
フットノート・ニュージーランド・ダンスFootnote New Zealand Dance
山﨑広太: 07年ベッシー賞、18年グッゲンハイムフェロー他多数受賞。ボディアーツラボラトリー主催。ベニントン大学専任講師。
フットノート・ニュージーランド・ダンス: アオテアロアで最も長く続くコンテンポラリーダンスカンパニー。1985年にディアドラ・タラントが創設して以来、国立の芸術組織として、アオテアロアだけでなく海外でもダンスツアーを開催している。
https://eplus.jp/sf/detail/ 3370210001-P0030001
Kota Yamazaki: A recipient of the Bessie Award of 2007, Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists award of 2013, NYFA Fellowship of 2016, and Guggenheim Fellowship of 2018. Dance faculty at Bennington College since 2020. Director of Body Arts Laboratory since 2009.
Footnote New Zealand Dance: Aotearoa’s longest-running contemporary dance company. Founded by Deirdre Tarrant in 1985, it is a national arts organization that extensively tours dance works around Aotearoa and internationally.
Official Website
DaBYトライアウト [ダブルビル] DaBY Tryout [Double Bill]
DaBYコレクティブダンスプロジェクト/西村未奈、山﨑広太、菅谷昌弘DaBY Collective Dance Project / Mina Nishimura, Kota Yamazaki, Masahiro Sugaya
- Dance Base YokohamaDance Base Yokohama
- 神奈川県横浜市中区北仲通5-57-2 KITANAKA BRICK&WHITE BRICK North 3階MapKITANAKA BRICK&WHITE BRICK North 3F 5-57-2 Kitanakadori, Naka-ku, Yokohama, KanagawaMap
2.9 Tue 18:30 - 20:00
2.10 Wed 18:30 - 20:00
2.11 Thu 16:30 - 18:002.9 Tue 18:30 - 20:00
2.10 Wed 18:30 - 20:00
2.11 Thu 16:30 - 18:00
主催:Dance Base Yokohama
Organized by Dance Base Yokohama

■Collective Dance Project Third Tryout Performance
DaBY’s Associate Choreographer Ryu Suzuki and his collaborators with various artistic backgrounds will present their third tryout performance.
In their second tryout performance, staged in November, they explored the body that oscillates between good and evil. Taking their findings, this performance will focus on the unpredictable consequences that come from the subtle and mundane choices we make in our everyday life.
■I'm a Ghost, the Other, or You (work in progress)
Kota Yamazaki and Mina Nishimura will be presenting their new work-in-progress, which was co-developed in December, 2020, at Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography (MANCC) in The Florida State University School of Dance. The piece titled I'm a Ghost, the Other, or You, investigates the aging of time and their fractal and ever-changing bodies that can embrace each other’s different histories, perceptions, and internal landscapes, within the complex and holistic structures of nature.
DaBYコレクティブダンスプロジェクト:鈴木竜(DaBYアソシエイトコレオグラファー)、池ヶ谷奏、藤村港平、タツキアマノ、一色ヒロタカ、宮野健士郎、丹羽青人、畠中真濃(DaBYレジデンスダンサー)、田中希(DaBY) 『幽霊、ほかの、あるいは、あなた』:西村未奈、山﨑広太、菅谷昌弘DaBY Collective Dance Project vol.3 Tryout: Ryu Suzuki, Kana Ikegaya, Kohei Fujimura, tatsukiamano, Hirotaka Isshiki, Kenshiro Miyano, Haruto Niwa, Mano Hatanaka (DaBY Residence Dancer), Nozomi Tanaka (DaBY) "I'm a Ghost, the Other, or You": Mina Nishimura, Kota Yamazaki, Masahiro Sugaya
DaBY Collective Dance Project: A collaborative project with DaBY Associate Choreographer Ryu Suzuki and his multidisciplinary collaborators.
Kota Yamazaki: A recipient of the Bessie Award of 2007, Guggenheim Fellowship of 2018, and others. Dance faculty at Bennington College. Director of Body Arts Laboratory.
Mina Nishimura: A recipient of Best Performance in Dance Magazine 2018 and the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists Award (FCA Award) in 2019. MFA Fellow at Bennington College.
Official Website
Contact (URL)