STスポットセレクションvol.3ST Spot Selection vol.3
STスポットST Spot
STスポットは開館から約30年に渡り、舞台芸術の裾野を広げ、数々の気鋭のアーティストを輩出してきました。今回のTPAMフリンジでは劇作家・演出家・音楽家の額田大志率いる演劇カンパニー ヌトミック/ダンサー 岡田智代と音楽家 大谷能生のコラボレーション公演の2公演を開催いたします。
For 30 years, ST Spot has expanded the horizons of the performing arts, producing many emerging artists. This year, ST Spot presents two performances. The first is a theatre company Nuthmique led by playwrite, director, and musician Taishi Nukata. The second is a collaboration performance by dancer Tomoyo Okada and musician Yoshio Otani.
A. それからの街A. The Town Thereafter
- STスポットST Spot
- 〒220-0004 横浜市西区北幸1-11-15 横浜STビルB1FMapYokohama ST Bldg. B1F, 1-11-15 Kita-saiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0004Map
2.8 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.9 Sun 14:00 / 19:00 2.10 Mon 14:00 2.11 Tue 12:00 / 17:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min TPAMフリンジ対象外公演あり
2.7 Fri 20:002.8 Sat 14:00 / 19:00 2.9 Sun 14:00 / 19:00 2.10 Mon 14:00 2.11 Tue 12:00 / 17:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min Before the period of TPAM Fringe
2.7 Fri 20:00
プロフェッショナルTPAM参加登録者特典:¥1,500AudienceAdv General¥3,000
Adv U-29¥2,700
Door General¥3,500
Door U-29¥3,200
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500
- 日本語(英語字幕あり)Japanese (subtitled in English)
主催:ヌトミックIn-cooperation with ST Spot
Subsidized by Arts Commission Yokohama
Organized by Nuthmique

This performance is a new staging of one of the signature works of Masashi Nukata, who is both a theater director and also the leader of the 8-piece band Tokyo Shiokoji. This piece of theater is composed using the methodology of modern minimalist music to depict the daily lives of four young people in Japan living in an apartment complex. Recipient of the 2016 Aichi Arts Foundation Drama Award.
A theater company established in Tokyo in 2016. Nuthmique's work starts from the question, "What is performance?" With scripts and direction that incorporate Artistic Director Nukata Mashishi's background in music, Nuthmique creates work that expands the boundaries of the performing arts. Major awards include the 2016 Aichi Arts Foundation Drama Award and the Komaba Agora Director's Competition Grand Prize.
B. カシオペアの背中B. The Back of Cassiopeia
岡田智代 × 大谷能生Tomoyo Okada × Yoshio Otani
- STスポットST Spot
- 〒220-0004 横浜市西区北幸1-11-15 横浜STビルB1FMapYokohama ST Bldg. B1F, 1-11-15 Kita-saiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0004Map
2.14 Fri 15:00 2.15 Sat 15:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min 2.14 Fri 15:00 2.15 Sat 15:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 上演時間Run Time 70分70 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥2,000
- 日本語・英語Japanese and English
主催:ContrailCo-organized by ST Spot
Organized by Contrail

This performance is a journey through a collage of fragments from the past, present, and future. Originally performed at SCOOL in Mitaka in June, 2019. Okada's dance emerges from her body living fully in the present moment. The weight of accumulated memories may build up, but Otani's music is there to keep her tethered to the here and now. And then, finally, dance and music both reach out, ever so slightly, into the future.
岡田智代 × 大谷能生Tomoyo Okada × Yoshio Otani
A collaborative performance between dancer Tomoyo Okada and musician Yoshio Otani. Okada's work focuses on the time that vanishes in the gaps between things and between people. She arranges this vanished time to create highly personal motifs, transforming it into transcendent dance. Otani does not simply compose and arrange music for the performance. Rather, he creates a parallel layer of a sound and musical performance that intervenes into the temporality of Okada's dancing, all the while flawlessly maintaining a sense of distance from Okada.