メイド・イン・マカオ Vol. 3Made in Macau
クリエイティブリンクスCreative Links
マカオ発、世界各国のフェスティバルで観客を魅了する芸術団体「クリエイティブリンクス」によるTPAM公演第3弾。ピアノやヴァイオリンによる室内楽演奏と演劇・映像という濃密な空間が話題となった2017年『時氏と、その愛人』『墓所時時~Picnic in the Cemetery』も記憶に新しい彼らが今回、カナダ、オーストリア、日本、韓国など7か国の若手アーティストによる国際コラボレーション作品を披露。
A. ポイントビューアート&ミュージックピクニック
B. マカオ実験劇場
C. ポイントビューアート
D. BOK × 高凱琳 × 福島章嗣
E. BOK × Choi-Buttinger
It is Creative Links’s third presentation of Made in Macau at TPAM. In 2017, two music theatre works from Macau, Mr. Shi and His Lover and Picnic in the Cemetery, were firstly introduced to Japan audiences. Following the well-received debut, Creative Links brought an A cappella theatre Picturesque, and puppet theatre Made in Macau back to TPAM in 2018. Now, in 2020, it will present five Macau initiated international co-productions at TPAM. Apart from Macau artists, there are creators from Canada, Austria, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan. It demonstrates Macau young artmakers’ openness to multi-cultural collaboration.
A. Point View Art & Music Picnic
B. Macau Experimental Theatre
C. Point View Art Association
D. BOK × Helen Ko × Fukushima Akitsugu
E. BOK × Choi-Buttinger
For general ticket, please click here.
A. 鉄で出来た月を僕は呑んだA. I Swallowed a Moon Made of Iron
A. ポイントビューアート&ミュージックピクニックA. Point View Art & Music Picnic
2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 17:00 / 19:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.13 Thu 19:00 2.14 Fri 17:00 / 19:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
1 show¥2,000
2 different shows¥3,000
3 different shows¥4,000
- 中国語(日本語・英語字幕あり)Mandarin (subtitled in Japanese & English)

これは、現代のデジタル時代へのレクイエムだ ー1990年生まれ、2014年に夭逝した中国の詩人・徐立志(Xu Lizhi)。私たちが普段使う電子機器の部品組立工場の工員であった彼が、自身の工場での悲惨な日々を力強く詠んだ同タイトルの詩を、作曲家・コン・キーの演奏と映像で見せるシアター・コンサート。
A requiem for our digital age - Chinese poet Xu Lizhi writes about life making electronic parts on an assembly line in Shenzhen, China. Setting Xu's powerful, haunting and gut wrenching poetry to song, former music director of La La La Human Steps and the composer of Mr. Shi and His Lover and Picnic in the Cemetery has created a theatre concert that pays tribute to countless workers whose unseen struggles provide the amenities of our digital lives.
ポイントビューアート&ミュージックピクニックPoint View Art & Music Picnic
コン・キー:作曲家、ピクニックおよび卓球愛好家。La La La Human Stepsで長年音楽監督を務め、現在に至るまでダンス、オペラの分野で作品づくりを行う。2017年TPAMで好評を博した『墓所事事〜Picnic in the Cemetery〜』『時氏と、その愛人』も記憶に新しい。
A picnic and ping pong enthusiast, Kong Kie is also a composer for dance, opera and theatre. Works include concert-theatre Picnic in the Cemetery (Canadian Stage, Ansan Street Arts Festival) and music theatre Mr. Shi and His Lover (National Arts Centre, Canada; Cervantino Festival, Mexico; Theatre Athénée, France). Kong Kie has created soundtrack for contemporary dance production worldwide (Nederlands Dans Theater, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago) and was the long-serving music director of La La La Human Steps.
B. 愛の進化B. Evolution of Love
B. マカオ実験劇場B. Macau Experimental Theatre
2.13 Thu 21:00 2.14 Fri 16:00 / 21:00 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min 残念ながら『愛の進化』は出演者の家庭の緊急事態によりキャンセルとなりました。BankART Stationでの他の「メイド・イン・マカオ Vol.3」公演にぜひお越しください。
2.13 Thu 21:00 2.14 Fri 16:00 / 21:00 上演時間Run Time 45分45 min We regret to inform that due to the artist's family emergency, "Evolution of Love" has been cancelled. You're welcome to join other Made in Macau performances at BankArt Station
1 show¥2,000
2 different shows¥3,000
3 different shows¥4,000

Evolution of Love will be presented in Music Theatre, a form of theatrical performance that combines songs, acting, dance, and installation. Newly created film noir and soundtrack will also join the stage performance. Live performance and film respectively select poems as material for songs, images and scenes in the work and echo with each other. Different ways of presenting classical and modern music will meet at this piece focusing on ‘love’ and ‘evolution’.
マカオ実験劇場Macau Experimental Theatre
マカオに拠点を置く非営利劇団。マカオ芸術祭で上演された『又一好人』(第23 回)や『金龍』(第24回)など、設立以来30作以上の演劇作品を手がけ、2013 年以降は毎年、劇団所有の劇場で公演シーズンを開催している。
Macau Experimental Theatre is a contemporary performing arts company based in Macau. The present artistic director Tam Chi Chun sets the tone of ‘interpretation of modernity’ for company and creates many music theatre and drama works with this theme. Mr. Shi and His Lover, for instance, combing sounds, physical movement, and stage installation, it reinterprets traditional oriental aesthetics in multifaced way. Since its debut, it has been presented in art festivals and seasonal programs around the world in recent years.
C. ガンズアンドフラワーズC. Guns and Flowers
C. ポイントビューアートC. Point View Art Association
2.14 Fri 18:15 2.15 Sat 19:30 2.16 Sun 16:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.14 Fri 18:15 2.15 Sat 19:30 2.16 Sun 16:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
1 show¥2,000
2 different shows¥3,000
3 different shows¥4,000
- 広東語・韓国語(日本語・英語字幕あり)Cantonese & Korean (subtitled in Japanese & English)
This performance considers wars and genders and portraits women during and after wars. It applies movement, music and visual art, which presents not women-centric or hostile of men, instead, it’s about the human nature and the multi-roles at play in any warriors’ life. Where and how is the present-day battlefield? Through delving one woman’s dilemma and uncovers another victimized lady, it also attempts to speak for whom have been rendered at disposal violently in the civilized society, no matter they are men or women.
ポイントビューアート Point View Art Association
Point View Art Association is a non-profit art and cultural association formed in Macau, with a mandate to produce art and cultural creations. With members from a diverse range of professions, including theatre directors, visual artists, filmmakers, composers, designers and performers, multimedia theatre is one of the company’s most specific aims. The Association strives to discover more possibilities for theatre arts and to expand new visions for audiences through experimental performances.
D. 時間と玩具D. Time And Toys
D. BOK × 高凱琳 × 福島章嗣D. BOK × Helen Ko × Fukushima Akitsugu
2.15 Sat 18:30 2.16 Sun 14:30 / 17:00 上演時間Run Time 40分40 min 2.15 Sat 18:30 2.16 Sun 14:30 / 17:00 上演時間Run Time 40分40 min
1 show¥2,000
2 different shows¥3,000
3 different shows¥4,000
Helen Ko Hoi Lam crosses over from theatre to physical expression. Time and Toys is a sequel to her first creation, Almost, as she continues to decode the anxiety towards time. With her fully-grown body to which she is still adapting, Helen will reveal what she feels in the present moment, a chaotic time-space that is dissociating, illusory and absurd.
BOK × 高凱琳 × 福島章嗣BOK × Helen Ko × Fukushima Akitsugu
Helen born in Macao, studied in Taiwan, Lives between Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.She graduated from the School of Theatre Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA). In 2018, she studied at the Odin Teatret in Denmark on scholarship. Akitsugu Fukushima, born and studied in Japan, lives in Macao now. He is a guitarist, composer, sound designer, based in Macao. Originally from Fukuoka and started his professional career as a musician performing with his own band Climb Your Mind.
E. Orig.ami.E. Orig.ami.
E. BOK × Choi-ButtingerE. BOK × Choi-Buttinger
2.15 Sat 21:00 2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min 2.15 Sat 21:00 2.16 Sun 13:00 / 18:00 上演時間Run Time 50分50 min
1 show¥2,000
2 different shows¥3,000
3 different shows¥4,000
- 広東語・英語・ドイツ語Cantonese, English, and German
If life is like a piece of paper, we were born a blank paper. As we grow, we keep copying texts from other books, and gradually become a thick volume. How many texts therein truly represent us? Or are we just wasting paper every day? When we make texts standing against texts and fold paper from the book (of life), what will we discover in ourselves? Orig.ami. tries to represent “wisdom” and “knowledge” with human body and paper respectively, physically experimenting on the “wisdom vs knowledge” test.
BOK × Choi-ButtingerBOK × Choi-Buttinger
マカオ出身のウェンディ、オーストリア生まれのエリアス・チョイ・ブッティンガーによるユニット。オーストリアのアントン・ブルックナー大学で出会った二人の作品は、世界中の多くの芸術祭に招聘され、ダンスフィルム「Beyond The Broken Hoop」が受賞するなど活躍している。
Wendy was born in Macao, studied and living in Austria. Elias Choi-Buttinger was born, studied and living in Austria. They both graduded from the Anton Bruckner University in Austria. They have been invited to many arts festivals around the world. Elias has been practicing street dance for more than 15 years. He is committed to cross-cultural collaboration and Dance Film Beyond The Broken Hoop was awarded at Austria.