横浜ダンスコレクション2020Yokohama Dance Collection 2020
横浜ダンスコレクション2020Yokohama Dance Collection 2020
横浜ダンスコレクション2020では、「Cross / Real / Identity」をキーワードに、時々刻々と動く社会のリアルを結晶化する振付の現在に焦点を当てています。身体と映像表現を独自の視点で構成し、ポートレートとアイデンティティーとの関係、「見ること」と「見られること」の新たな関係を追求する、オーストラリア-香港-日本の共同プロジェクト「ON VIEW」の集大成を世界初演する他、香港-韓国-日本の3つのダンスフェスティバルの多層的な協働により展開している「HOTPOT 東アジア・ダンスプラットフォーム」では、東アジア各地の生活文化、歴史や伝統、多様な文化背景から生まれるダイナミズムに立ち上る作品の数々を上演します。さらにこれまでに約400組の振付家を世界に送り出したコンペティションや近年の受賞者による意欲作、海外各地のダンスフェスティバルとの連携プログラム、ダンスの魅力を開く屋外パフォーマンス、ワークショップ、展覧会など多彩なプログラムを3週に渡って繰り広げます。ダンスは時代から何を感受しているのか?次代のダンスへの大きな可能性を内包する25回目の開催です。
Based on the keywords ‘Cross/Real/Identity,’ Yokohama Dance Collection 2020 focuses on the current state of choreography, which crystalizes the realities of societies in constant flux. The lineup includes a world premiere, the culmination of the collaborative project “ON VIEW” between Australia, Hong Kong, and Japan. Through a unique arrangement of the body and film, this work explores new relationships between portraiture and identity, and the dynamics of ‘seeing’ and ‘being seen.’ Multiple works will be on show as part of the HOTPOT East Asia Dance Platform, organized through a multilateral collaboration between three dance festivals in Hong Kong, South Korea, and Japan. These works embody the dynamism of various regions in East Asia—their lifestyles, histories, traditions, and cultural backgrounds. A broad range of events will be held across a three-week period, including a competition which has in the past brought some 400 groups of choreographers to the world stage: the presentation of ambitious works by recent competition winners; programs organized in collaboration with dance festivals from across the world; and outdoor performances, workshops, and exhibitions that open up the audience to the appeal of dance. How is dance responding to its time? This festival—on its 25th edition—brims with potential for the next generation of dance.
黒須育海『けむりでできたぞう』Kurosu Ikumi “ZOU made from fume”
受賞者公演Performance by Former Prizewinner
- 横浜にぎわい座 のげシャーレYokohama Nigiwaiza Small Hall
- 〒231-0064 横浜市中区野毛町3-110-1 カスタリア桜木町MapCastalia Sakuragi-cho, 3-110-1 Noge-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0064Map
2.10 Mon 19:00 2.11 Tue 13:00 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.10 Mon 19:00 2.11 Tue 13:00 / 16:00 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
Adv General¥3,000
Door General¥3,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount

Employing a highly physical and refined choreographic language, Kurosu investigates the idea of a unique kind of body, for which movement originates from the internal organs rather than the muscles. For this highly anticipated work, Kurosu further explores the image of a differently-formed body, based on the theme of “the origin of a creature that is neither human nor animal.” Kurosu’s wide-ranging activities include being a member of the dance company Condors, serving as an instructor at special needs schools, and being involved in outreach programs for schools and other organizations. He is one of the most promising choreographers of his generation, continuing to passionately pursue his creative activities after winning the Jury Prize at Yokohama Dance Collection 2017 Competition I. This new work from his dance company Bushman is one that cannot be missed.
ジュゼッペ・キコ&バルバラ・マティアヴィッチ 『FORECASTING』|田村興一郎 『MUTT』 Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijević “FORECASTING”|Tamura Kouichiro “MUTT”
ダンスクロスDance Cross
- 横浜にぎわい座 のげシャーレYokohama Nigiwaiza Small Hall
- 〒231-0064 横浜市中区野毛町3-110-1 カスタリア桜木町MapCastalia Sakuragi-cho, 3-110-1 Noge-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0064Map
2.14 Fri 18:00 2.15 Sat 16:00 2.16 Sun 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min 2.14 Fri 18:00 2.15 Sat 16:00 2.16 Sun 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min
Adv General¥3,000
Door General¥3,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥500 discount

ジュゼッペ・キコ&バルバラ・マティアヴィッチ『FORECASTING』:知的かつ独創的なアプローチでハイブリッドなパフォーマンスの可能性を切り拓く、新進気鋭のアーティストユニットPremier Stratagèmeが、動画共有サイトYouTubeの映像を用いた話題作で待望の初来日。ヒューマンスケールの多様な映像が映し出されるノートパソコンをパフォーマーが巧みに操り、平凡な日常のあらゆるシチュエーションと独自の手法で語られるドラマとの境界が次第に曖昧となるその先には、眩惑させるようなハイブリッドな体験が待っている。|田村興一郎『MUTT』:横浜ダンスコレクション2018コンペティションⅠで、若手振付家のための在日フランス大使館賞とシビウ国際演劇祭賞を受賞の翌年、フランスでのレジデンス中に創作して、その後も上演を重ねる度に更新を続けている作品。コンセプチュアルな構成をムーブメントに落とし込む独自の感性で高評を得る田村が、「都市」と「芸術」、そして対峙する間にある身体の存在と変容を提示する。Dance Box(神戸)のアソシエイト・カンパニーとして、また地域福祉型ダンスマネジメントを手掛けるなど、社会課題に正面から向き合って創作を繰り広げ、次代を担う振付家として将来を嘱望される振付家の一人である田村興一郎に世界のダンスコミュニティも注目する。
Giuseppe Chico and Barbara Matijević "FORECASTING": Cutting-edge dance company Premier Stratagème has continued to open up the possibilities of performance through their intellectual and inventive approach. The company makes their long-awaited first visit to Japan with an impressive performance that works with amateur videos from the world’s largest video-sharing site YouTube. This work unfurls into a dizzying hybrid experience, with a performer skillfully manipulating a laptop that shows various human-scale videos, gradually blurring the lines between banal, everyday situations and drama articulated through a unique mode of narration.|Tamura Kouichiro "MUTT": A work that continues to be developed for each show, “MUTT” was created as part of a residency in France the year after Tamura won both the French Embassy Prize for Young Choreographers and the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS) Prize at Yokohama Dance Collection 2018 Competition I. Acclaimed for the unique sensibility with which he renders conceptual compositions into movement, Tamura explores in his work ideas of the city, art, the existence of the body in a space where they intersect, and the body’s transformation within that space. As an associate company of Dance Box (an organization based in Kobe), and through managing dance programs for community welfare projects, Tamura has been involved in creating dance in a way that confronts social issues head on. One of the promising choreographers who will lead the next generation, Tamura has been gaining recognition not only in Japan but also internationally.