共生共創事業Co-existence and Co-creation Program
神奈川県では、「ともに生きる社会かながわ」の実現に寄与するため、文化芸術の分野においても、「ともに生きる ともに創る」を目標に、年齢や障がいなどにかかわらず、子どもから大人まで全ての人が、舞台芸術に参加し楽しめる「共生共創事業」を実施しています。
Kanagawa Prefectural Government is promoting Co-existence and Co-creation Program, a new form of performing art that all people can join and enjoy regardless of age or disability. This time, we will introduce two groups: OiBokkeShi, which presents theatrical performances made with elderly people and caregivers, and Integrated Dance Company Kyo, which is developing a new dance expression utilizing a diverse new system with wheelchair dancers.
https://kyosei-kyoso.jp|kyoso@kanagawa-af.org|045-306-6811(Weekdays from 10:00-18:00)
- 県民共済みらいホールKenmin Kyosai MIRAI HALL
- 〒231-0062 横浜市中区桜木町1-1-8-2 県民共済プラザビル1FMap1-1-8-2 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0062Map
2.12 Wed 18:00 上演時間Run Time 70~80分予定approx. 70-80 min 2.12 Wed 18:00 上演時間Run Time 70~80分予定approx. 70-80 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,800
- 日本語Japanese
企画製作:KAAT神奈川芸術劇場、公益財団法人神奈川芸術文化財団Presented by Kanagawa Prefectural Government, OiBokkeShi
In cooperation with Kanagawa Kenmin Kyosai
Produced by KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theatre, Kanagawa Arts Foundation

The theater is a workshop to make nursing care happy!? Elderly people who suffer from nursing care for the elderly encounter drama, begin to utilize the wisdom they perform for nursing care, and find purpose in the drama. Actor, Tadao Okada (93 years old) is fully staged with a mix of reality!
OiBokkeShi has announced theatrical performances made with the elderly and caregivers based on the philosophy of “Bringing the wisdom of theater to the elderly care site, Bringing the depth of elderly care to the theater." In recent years, their activities have crossed the genres of theater and nursing care, and have attracted attention from many different fields.
B. 第7回インテグレイテッド・ダンス・カンパニー響-Kyo公演『東京の人々』『隠岐からの手紙』B. The 7th Integrated Dance Company Kyo Performance "les gens de Tokyo" "A Letter From Oki-ilands"
インテグレイテッド・ダンス・カンパニー響-KyoIntegrated Dance Company Kyo
- 県民共済みらいホールKenmin Kyosai MIRAI HALL
- 〒231-0062 横浜市中区桜木町1-1-8-2 県民共済プラザビル1FMap1-1-8-2 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0062Map
2.15 Sat 18:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 上演時間Run Time 55分55 min 2.15 Sat 18:00 2.16 Sun 15:00 上演時間Run Time 55分55 min
プロフェッショナルTPAM参加登録者特典:¥3,300AudienceAdv General¥3,500
Door General¥4,000
Adv Student and Disability¥3,000
Door Student and Disability¥3,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥3,300
- 日本語Japanese
制作:ミューズ・カンパニーPresented by Creative Art Executive Committee
Supported by Japan Arts Council
Produced by Muse Company

近年、国内外の賞を得て、ますます円熟味を増しているDidier Theron(仏)と、神話的モチーフを活かした作品づくりで定評のある振付家Athina Vahal(希)による二演目上演。Didierは排外的風潮が高まりつつある世界に、異なる身体の対話を通して舞台に立ち現われる何かを提示しようと試みる。Athinaは日本の民舞に材を取り、日々の人間の営みと自然の永遠性を問いかける。
This performance features pieces by two artists: Didier Théron from France and Atina Vahal from Greece. In recent years, Didier has received awards both in France and abroad, and his work has continued to mature more and more. Set against the backdrop of increasingly exclusionary and insular attitudes worldwide, Dider's performance attempts to present a certain something that can appear onstage through a conversation between diverse bodies. Athina has received critical praise for her choreography that makes use of motifs from mythology. Her performance incorporates elements from traditional Japanese folk dance, exploring both everyday human behavior and the permanence of nature.
インテグレイテッド・ダンス・カンパニー響-KyoIntegrated Dance Company Kyo
2014年、多様な身体性を活かして新しい舞踊表現を拓いていくべく設立。これまでに鈴木ユキオ、Adam Benjamin、岩淵多喜子、スズキ拓朗、平原慎太郎、Thomas Noone、黒須育海ら国内外の振付作品により注目を集める。2017-18年海外ツアー、国際フェスティバル参加。2018年より文化庁戦略的芸術文化創造推進事業委託中。アーティスティック・アドバイザー:Adam Benjamin。プロデューサー/クリエイティブ・ ディレクター:伊地知裕子
http://www.musekk.co.jp/|MuseKK@aol.com|03-6426-5182 (10:00-18:00)
Established in 2014 with the goal of creating new forms of expression in dance that highlight diverse bodies. Received acclaim for its pieces choreographed by artists in Japan and around the world, including Yukio Suzuki, Adam Benjamin, Takiko Iwabuchi, Takuro Suzuki, Shintaro Hirahara, Thomas Noone, and Ikumi Kurosu. Toured internationally in 2017-18, participating in international performance festivals. Currently working on a project commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan (Strategic Arts and Culture Initiative). Artistick Advisor: Adam Benjamin. Producer/Creative Director: Yuko Ijichi.
http://www.musekk.co.jp/|MuseKK@aol.com|03-6426-5182 (10:00-18:00)