財団法人国家文化芸術基金会(台湾)National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan)
Launched by the National Culture and Arts Foundation, ARTWAVE - Taiwan International Arts Network is a platform initiative for connections between Taiwan and the world. ARTWAVE encourages and facilitates collaborations between Taiwanese and international artists and professionals. In 2019, ARTWAVE presents four works in TPAM Fringe jointly curated by YAO Lee-Chun from Taiwan and Aki ONDA from USA/Japan. The program reveals diversities and developments among established and emerging artists from Taiwan.
声を呼び覚ますRecalling Voices
林其蔚(リン・チーウェイ)、王虹凱(ワン・ホンカイ)LIN Chi-Wei | WANG Hong-Kai
- Kosha33(神奈川県住宅供給公社)Kosha33 (Kanagawa Prefectural Housing Supply Corporation)
- 〒231-8510 横浜市中区日本大通33Map33 Nihon-odori, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8510Map
2.13 Wed 17:30 / 20:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min 2.13 Wed 17:30 / 20:30 上演時間Run Time 60分60 min
¥2,000 (Reservation required)
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,000 (Reservation required)
Organized by National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan)

台湾のローカルな歴史や文化をモチーフとしつつ、リン・チーウェイ『テープ・ミュージック』(ディレクション:足立智美)とワン・ホンカイ『サザン・クレアオーディエンス』の両作品は、社会に於ける「集団」や「連帯」の意味を問いながら、それらをサウンド・ポエトリーやインプロビゼーションの文脈で解釈していきます。コラボレーター達とワークショップを行い、共同作業で作品を作りあげていきます。忘れ去られた歌や声の記憶を呼び覚まし、未来へ向けて開いていきます。 キュレーター:恩田晃
Inspired by Taiwan’s history and culture, LIN Chi-Wei's Tape Music (directed by Tomomi Adachi) and WANG Hong-Kai's Southern Clairaudience examine the role of “group dynamics” and “connectivity" in society. Both works explore these themes through the contexts of sound poetry and improvisation. Through artist-led workshop, participants are invited to develop and shape the artwork together. The result brings collective memory—ghost-like voices and melodies—to the surface. Curator: Aki Onda
林其蔚(リン・チーウェイ)、王虹凱(ワン・ホンカイ)LIN Chi-Wei│WANG Hong-Kai
Both born in 1971, LIN Chi-Wei and WANG Hong-Kai are Taiwanese interdisciplinary artists primarily working with sound. Lin’s practice incorporates folklore culture, noise, ritual, and audience participation. Wang’s research-based practice is informed by the unceasing tension between languages, ideologies, identities and knowledge regimes.
複数の連続体The Spectrums
鄭尹真(ヂェン・インジェン)、林宜瑾(リン・イージン)CHENG Yin-chen | LIN I-Chin
- 県民共済みらいホール Kenmin Kyosai MIRAI HALL
- 〒231-0062 横浜市中区桜木町1-1-8-2 県民共済プラザビル1FMap1-1-8-2 Sakuragi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0062Map
2.14 Thu 18:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min 2.14 Thu 18:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 90分90 min
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: Free (Reservation required)
- 中国語(日本語と英語の字幕・冊子配布)Mandarin (Subtitles and programme in Japanese and English)
協力:神奈川県民共済生活協同組合"Kanagawa All-Comers Stage"
Organized by National Culture and Arts Foundation (Taiwan), Kanagawa Prefectural Government
Supported by Kanagawa Kenmin Kyosai

本作(double bill show)は、グローバル化時代のカルチャーシーンに身を投じ、新しい創造を絶えず産出しなければならない、今の台湾を生きる若い作家たちの“焦り”をベースに、パフォーミングアーツの歴史的コンテキスㇳをたぐり寄せ、探索を深めていくものである。自分たちの拠り所となる、ローカル文化の地層を深く知ることへの渇望は、膨大なる時の書物を閲覧しているかのように果てしない。しかし彼らは、融和や自己受容、超越することの困難に挑戦していくのである。キュレーター:姚立群(ヨウ・リッグン)
The double bill show reveals how meticulous Taiwan's young artists are to break new grounds on a global cultural landscape, and delves into the history of performing art. The artists seem to be reading a gigantic book of time, yearning to know the local culture at its depts so as to overcome the difficulties of integration, identification and crossing-over. Curator: YAO Lee-Chun.
鄭尹真(ヂェン・インジェン)、林宜瑾(リン・イージン)CHENG Yin-chen | LIN I-Chin
Responding to the “root” of art while pondering on the “future,” two younger-generation artists, CHENG Yin-Chen and LIN I-Chin, unveil the unique paths they take. The former transforms herself through the performing aesthetic of “stillness” in traditional Chinese theatrical music. The latter discovers the endless primal momentum of the body via dialects/mother tongues.