Contemporary Dance Showcase of Young ChoreographersContemporary Dance Showcase of Young Choreographers
目澤 芙裕子(Baobab)Fuyuko Mezawa (Baobab)
Showcase by young choreographers and dance company under the age of 35. Eight choreographers who want to perform overseas show 15-30 minutes performance.
A. 笑う額縁|あなたのせいで死ねないA. Laughing Frame | Can't Die Because of You
北尾亘(Baobab)|デルトーカWataru Kitao (Baobab) | deltalker
- YCC ヨコハマ創造都市センター 3FYCC Yokohama Creativecity Center 3F
- 〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8315Map
2.12 Tue 20:00 2.13 Wed 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分approx. 70 min 2.12 Tue 20:00 2.13 Wed 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分approx. 70 min
前売 一般¥2,500
前売 学生以下¥2,000
当日 一般¥3,000
当日 学生以下¥2,500
AudienceAdv General¥2,500
Adv Student and below¥2,000
Door General¥3,000
Door Student and below¥2,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500

北尾亘(Baobab):1987年生まれ。幼少より舞台芸術に携わり、クラシックバレエからストリートダンスまで様々なダンスを経験。Baobab全作品の振付・構成・演出を担う。Baobabは2016年より若手ダンスフェスティバル「DANCE×Scrum !!!」を主催。2018年San Francisco International Arts Festivalで『笑う額縁』を上演。横浜ダンスコレクション2018ベストダンサー賞、 トヨタコレオグラフィーアワード2012オーディエンス賞など受賞。デルトーカ:パフォーマと映像作家による、Audiovisual Performance Project。抑圧されることで解放を求める身体、普遍的でありながら抽象を意識した言葉、イメージを削ぎ落とした映像の表現で、物語のある作品を構築する。
Wataru Kitao (Baobab): He learned many genres of dancing such as Classical Ballet, Hip Hop etc. After graduated University, he established Dance company Baobab. Baobab organize dance festival for young choreographers "DANCExScrum!!!" biannually. Kitao prized Yokohama Dance Collection 2018 Competition 1 "Best Dancer Award", TOYOTA choreography award 2012 "Audience prize" and others. "Laughing Frame" show in San Francisco International Arts Festival 2018. deltalker: deltalker is a audiovisual performance project that constructs around the oppressed body that seeks freedom, the word that are universal yet abstract, and the video that expresses with "less is more" images.
B. オムツを脱いだサル|The Girl in Rabbit's skin|マザー・グースB. The Monkey without a Diaper | The Girl in Rabbit's skin | Mother Goose
下島礼紗|中屋敷南|Von・noズReisa Shimojima | Minami Nakayashiki | VONNOS
- YCC ヨコハマ創造都市センター 3FYCC Yokohama Creativecity Center 3F
- 〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8315Map
2.13 Wed 20:00 2.14 Thu 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分approx. 70 min 2.13 Wed 20:00 2.14 Thu 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約70分approx. 70 min
前売 一般¥2,500
前売 学生以下¥2,000
当日 一般¥3,000
当日 学生以下¥2,500
AudienceAdv General¥2,500
Adv Student and below¥2,000
Door General¥3,000
Door Student and below¥2,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500

下島礼紗:1992年鹿児島県出身。桜美林大学にてコンテンポラリーダンスを木佐貫邦子に師事。2013 年にダンスカンパニーケダゴロを結成、全作品の振付・演出を行っている。ソロ作品『オムツをはいたサル』は、横浜ダンスコレクションにて最優秀新人賞を受賞し、その後、ハンガリー・秋田・韓国で発表。この度、続編の発表を試みる。中屋敷南:部活動や学校教育で培った基礎が作品創作に影響。少女性や女性特有の感覚、そこに内包された欲望の表出を、繊細で表情豊かなムーブメントと構成力で表現。横浜ダンスコレクションEX2015最優秀新人賞受賞、座・高円寺ダンスアワード日本代表として渡韓、上海現代舞踊展への招聘ほか。Von・noズ:日本大学芸術学部演劇学科洋舞コース出身の上村有紀と久保佳絵で2014年に結成。表面からは知りにくい、隠された感情や姿に焦点を当て、日常に潜む歪みを捉えるダンス作品の在り方を模索している。
Reisa Shimojima: Born in 1992.In Oberlin University, she studied under Kuniko Kisanuki. She established KEDAGORO dance company in 2013. The solo work Monkey without a Diaper prized as "Outstanding New Artist Prize" at Yokohama Dance Collection and other several awards in Akita, Hungary and Korea. Minami Nakayashiki: Joined dance club in junior high school. She expresses the feelings distinctive of girls and women and the hopes embodied in those feelings through delicate and richly expressive movement and superb powers of composition. She was awarded Yokohama Dance Collection EX 2015 Outstanding New Artist Prize. VONNOS: Yuuki Kamimura and Kae Kubo finished their education in Japan university of art, contemporary dance course in theatre department.They formed a company in 2014.They are focusing on hidden emotions and appearance,and searching for a way how to create dance works that capture distortion that exist in daily life.
C. BLACKOUT|古臭い|ジョン・ドゥC. BLACKOUT | musty | John Doe
悪童|水中めがね∞|久保田舞AKUDO | Suichu-megane∞ | Mai Kubota
- YCC ヨコハマ創造都市センター 3FYCC Yokohama Creativecity Center 3F
- 〒231-8315 横浜市中区本町6-50-1Map6-50-1 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-8315Map
2.14 Thu 20:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約80分approx. 80 min 2.14 Thu 20:00 2.15 Fri 16:00 上演時間Run Time 約80分approx. 80 min
前売 一般¥2,500
前売 学生以下¥2,000
当日 一般¥3,000
当日 学生以下¥2,500
AudienceAdv General¥2,500
Adv Student and below¥2,000
Door General¥3,000
Door Student and below¥2,500
ProfessionalTPAM Registrant Benefit: ¥1,500

AKUDO: Shun Nakamura and Shota Utagawa 's duo.Graduated from Daito Bunka University. They active endlessly no dance scene deployed in a solid movement, strange and pleasant relationship as a weapon and show many overseas performances.Yokohama Dance Collection EX 2014 Outstanding New Artist Prize. Suichu-megane∞: Suichu-megane∞ was established by Ayane Nakagawa in 2011. How should dance to be in modern society? is the biggest theme of company. The stage is the laboratory place and performance is observation target as well. Mai Kubota: Born in 1995, she started studying ballet at age 4. After studying performing arts in Saitama Art Comprehensive High School and Daito Bunka University.She perform in dance festivals in Korea and Singapore. In 2017 she awarded the Incentive Award at Yokohama Dance Collection Competition II.