[Booth No.44-45] Dance Info Finland (Finland) Organization: Dance Info Finland
Representative: Ms. Heli LAMPI(Manager, International Affairs)
Contact: Ms. Heli LAMPI (Manager, International Affairs) / Ms. Paula KARLSSON (Producer, International Affairs) / Ms. Sanna REKOLA (Director)
Address: Bulevardi 23-27, Helsinki FIN-00180, FINLAND
Tel: +385-9-612-1818 Fax: +385-9-612-1824
E-mail:heli.lampi@danceinfo.fi Website:http://www.danceinfo.fi/
●Profile: Dance Info Finland was founded in 1980. Its main task is to produce and provide information on dance in Finland and to promote Finnish dance abroad. Through its various activities it seeks to support the artistic developement of dance as well as promote its position in Finnish Society. Dance Info Finland has nine member organisations which represent different dance genres, from contemporary and ballet to folk and ballroom dancing. It is a member of the key international organisations and networks that concern themselves with dance and the performing arts. International activities are a growing part of Dance Info Finland's operations. These include for instance PR and promotion, international projects on the EU and global level and consultation. |
[Booth No.36] Dancing Sweden (Sweden) Organization: Swedish Institute & Swedish Embassy in Tokyo
Representative: Mr. Anders OHRN (Project Manager)
Contact: Ms. Anette MASUI (Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, Cultural Section, Embassy of Sweden) / Ms. SUGASAWA Yukari (Cultural Officer, Cultural Section, Embassy of Sweden) / Ms. NAITO Keiko (Information Officer, Cultural Section, Embassy of Sweden)
Address: Skeppsbron 2, Box 7434, Stockholm, SE-103 91, SWEDEN
Tel: +46-8-4537800 Fax: +46-8-207248
E-mail:anette.masui@foreign.ministry.se Website:http://www.si.se/
●Profile: The Swedish Institute (SI) is a public agency that promotes interest in Sweden abroad. SI seeks to establish cooperation and lasting relations with other countries through active communication and cultural, educational and scientific exchanges. |
[Booth No.46] Getting On The Map (UK) Organization: Event International
Representative: Mr. Ian BONE (Associate Producer)
Contact: Mr. Ian BONE (Associate Producer) / Mr. Frank WILSON (Director)
Address: Ouseburn Building, East Quayside, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE6 1LL, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-191-2769911 Fax: +44-191-2769910
E-mail:ian@eventi.co.uk Website:http://www.eventi.co.uk/
●Profile: Getting on the Map exists to promote the growing strength of street arts and outdoor performance which is “made in the UK.” |
[Booth No.37] Guli-Bonu Producer Centre (Uzbekistan)
Organization: Guli-Bonu Producer Centre pvt.
Representative: Ms. Gulnora KHUDAYBERGANOVA (Director)
Contact: Ms. Gulnora KHUDAYBERGANOVA (Director) / Mr. Artur ABDULLAEV (Sales Manager) / Ms. Shakhlo KHUDAYBERGANOVA (Sales Manager)
Address: 20 Babur str., Tashkent, 700015, Uzbekistan
Tel: +44-777-1683082 Fax: +998-712-552458
●Profile: Agency.Organisators of festivals and concerts. |
[Booth No.42] Korea Arts Management Service / Performing Arts Market in Seoul (Korea)
Organization: Korea Arts Management Service
Representative: Mr. LEE Gyu Seog (President)
Contact: Mr. LEE Gyu Seog (President) / Ms. WOO Yeon (Director) / Ms. KOH Jooyoung (Coordinator) / Ms. HAE Minyoung (Coordinator) / Mr. MIN Byoungcheol (Coordinator)
Address: #302 Dongsoong Art Center, 1-5, Dongsung-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-809, KOREA
Tel: +82-2-7428193 Fax: +82-2-7428196
●Profile: Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) was established 2006, is a non-profit and public foundation for development of Korean performing and visual arts. With supports from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea, KAMS offers multifaceted assistance for the purpose of bolstering the sustainability of arts groups and organizations, while strengthening their competitive advantages by developing diverse and effective support systems for efficient arts management. Performing Arts Market in Seoul (PAMS) was eatablished in 2005, and has been organized by KAMS since 2006. PAMS provides a viable and professional performing arts networking opportunity, bringing together artists, producers and venues. |
[Booth No.43] Mexico (Mexico) Organization: Embassy of Mexico
Representative: Mr. Alejandro BASANEZ (Head of Cultural Affairs)
Contact: Mr. Alejandro BASANEZ (Head of Cultural Affairs) / Mr. Luis LEDESMA (Director of Performing Arts, Cultural Affairs)
Address: 2-15-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan
Tel: +81-3-35812150 Fax: +81-3-35814058
E-mail:abasanez@mexicoembassy.jp Website:http://www.sre.gob.mx/japon/
●Profile: The Embassy of Mexico intends to present a panoramic view of the most distinguished performing arts groups which have participated in international festivals in the past 10 years in the realm of theater, dance and contemporary music. Among other aspects, we intend to introduce the Japanese public to institutions which hold artistic residency programs, as well as the Network of Cultural Festivals of Mexico, the Association of Performing Arts Presenters (APAP), the Network of Cultural Promoters from Latin America and the Caribbean (LA RED), and the Binational Mexico-United States Alliance of Regional Arts Organization. |
[Booth No.38-39] QUEBEC ON STAGE - CINARS (Canada)
Organization: CINARS
Representative: Mr. Alain PARE (CEO)
Contact: Mr. Alain PARE (CEO) / Ms. Elisabeth COMTOIS (Agent, Agence Station Bleue) / Mr. Michel VALLIERES (Theatre Incline) / Ms. Annick HUARD (Compagnie UBU) / Ms. Marie-Catherine LAPOINTE (President, Boulev’art) / Ms. Barbra SCALES (President, Latitude 45) / Mr. Paul TANGUAY (Director, Marie Chouinard Company)
Address: 3575 St-Laurent, Suite 103, Montreal, Quebec H2X 2T7, Canada
Tel: +1-514-842-5866 Fax: +1-524-843-3168
●Profile: CINARS (International Exchange for the Performing Arts) is a non-profit organization based in Montreal. Since 1984, CINARS has been contributing to the international recognition of Canada’s performing arts. Its mission is to support the export of performing arts, by implementing tools and services that will further excellence and cost effectiveness while enhancing the visibility of the finest artistic creations. CINARS is recognized worldwide for its biennial Platform: CINARS 2008 will be held in Montreal from November 17 to 23. It will bring together 1000 professionals (artists, agents, presenters, producers and observers) from all around the world. We are looking forward to welcome you there ! |
[Booth No.40] Starvox Entertainment Inc
Organization: Starvox Entertainment Inc
Representative: Mr. Corey ROSS (President)
Contact: Mr. Corey ROSS (President)
Address: 640 Briar Hill Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tel: +1-416-879-5209 Fax: +1-416-256-9446
E-mail: corey.ross@sympatico.ca Website: http://starvoxent.com/
●Profile: Our agency represents African Footprint -- South Africa's longest running musical, Tropicana de Cuba - Cuba's world famous cabaret, and Jazz Singer Kaya Jones who has emerged from the USA pop group the Pussy Cat Dolls to pursue a solo career. |
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