Katsuhiro Ohira
Director, ST Spot
Born in Osaka in 1971. After graduating from Tama Art University and working at a university and professional school, he started working at ST Spot in 2006 and took part in the establishment of Steep Slope Studio. He has been the director of ST Spot since 2008, focusing on contemporary dance and engaging in productions, support for young artists and organization of workshops for audience development. He recently organizes international exchange projects including artist-in-residence as well.
This program explores the possibility of performing arts with “interface and commonage in expression” as the theme and with a focus on what to bring onto the stage and what we can share with Other now. We intend to create tension between the imaginations of the audience and artists, who stare at the bodies in front of themselves, to expose the loss we feel now and to induce a new perspective through a series of images. I would also hope that we will be able to present each artist’s worldview by bringing the worlds that exist between different elements such as society and individuals, life and death or words and bodies. Each of the artists I would like to introduce in this program has a unique point of view and proposes the ways communication between those who live in the present should be through dialogues with audience.
篠田千明 1982年東京生まれ、バンコク在住。演出家/脚本家/イベンター。《快快(faifai)》の中心メンバーとして主に演出と脚本と雰囲気を担当。演劇、ダンス、映像、パーティ、イベント等、既成のジャンルや上演形式に留まらない独自の活動を多彩なフィールドで展開する。2010年『My name is I LOVE YOU』がスイスの国際演劇祭チューリヒ・シアター・スペクタクルにて最優秀賞を受賞。2012年9月に快快を脱退、ソロ活動を始める。