Yukako Ogura
Director, AI.HALL / Itami Culture Foundation
Born in Hyogo in 1976. Graduated from Kobe College. From 2001 to June 2006, she worked for the AI.HALL in Itami City, Hyogo, and was responsible for the dance programs. She became a freelance performing arts presenter in 2006 and engaged in various performances and events mainly of dance but also including theatre and music. She became a director of AI.HALL in 2008, and has been planning and producing mainly the dance programs and workshops. A staff member of KYOTO EXPERIMENT since 2010.
Is it possible to stimulate “omnivore collaboration” by bringing even more diverse manpower and methodologies into performing arts? Creation of new viewpoints, values and discourses through information gathering, discussions and intervention by Other: how can we draw ideas from each human and each space, being free from “self-expression” and establishment of styles? The artists that I would like to introduce in this program have digested existing genres such as “fine art” “dance” or “theatre” and create through unique artistic approaches, exploring the intersection of documents and fictions as well as effective structures and compositions in order to leave “a sense of incongruity” in audience. I hope their tryouts will make this program a place for bringing omnivore and diverse materials and tools into the domain of performing arts to stir it up, since it needs to continuously renew itself.
きたまり 1983年生まれ。2003年ダンスカンパニー「KIKIKIKIKIKI」を主宰。以後、演出・振付・ダンサーとして作品を手がける。これまでに「TOYOTA CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD 2008」にて振付作品『サカリバ007』でオーディエンス賞受賞。「横浜ソロ+デュオ〈Competition〉+」にてソロダンス『女生徒』で未来にはばたく横浜賞受賞。身体のもつ面白さを幅広い層に提案するために、作品上演だけでなく、プロデュース公演やイベントも多数企画している。
ひとり孤独に暮らす男が、「Do you need love?」と尋ねる不思議な電話によりワニを探し求める物語。6人の俳優とミュージシャンで演じられ、白線2本のみの舞台が俳優たちの体によって様々なシチュエーションにモーフィングしていく。コミカルな展開のなかにも、愛に対する希望や絶望、人間の生きる哀しみが盛り込まれたイメージ豊かな作品。