2月14日(木)18:30–20:30 | 15日(金)〜17日(日)10:30–13:30
BankART Studio NYK 2F
10:50 フレンチ・パフォーミング・アーツ
11:00 Co.山田うん
11:10 あいちトリエンナーレ2013
11:20 コンスタンツァ・マクラス/ドーキーパーク
11:30 あうるすぽっと
11:40 フェスティバル/トーキョー
11:50 Point view artist
12:00 トヨタコレオグラフィーアワード
12:10 山口情報芸術センター[YCAM]
12:20 Race Horse Company
12:30 富士見市民文化会館 キラリ☆ふじみ
12:40 快快
12:50 Korea Arts Management Service
13:00 公益財団法人神奈川芸術文化財団
2月14日(木)18:30–20:30 | 15日(金)〜17日(日)10:30–13:30
Feb 14 (Thu) 18:30–20:30 | 15 (Fri) – 17 (Sun) 10:30–13:30
BankART Studio NYK 2F
TPAM Pass required (admission free without TPAM Pass on Feb 17)
TPAM Exchange helps you,
“Connect” with new people,
“Share” information and ideas with the participants and
“Disseminate” your activities and works.
TPAM Exchange is a program where exhibitors can broaden network by introducing their activities, works and projects to TPAM participants.
*Exhibitor registration has finished.
TPAM participants can experience the diverse presentations by the exhibitors and have casual meetings, introduce activities to each other and exchange information.
Video Presentation
Feb 15 (Fri) 10:30–13:30
10:50 French Performing Arts
11:00 Co. Yamada Un
11:10 Aichi Triennale 2013
11:20 Constanza Macras | DorkyPark
11:30 OWL SPOT Theater
11:40 Festival/Tokyo
11:50 Point view artist
12:00 Toyota Choreography Award
12:10 Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media
12:20 Race Horse Company
12:30 KIRARI☆FUJIMI Cultural Centre of Fujimi City
12:40 FAIFAI
12:50 Korea Arts Management Service
13:00 Kanagawa Arts Foundation
Group Meeting
Feb 16 (Sat) 10:30–13:30
Feb 17 (Sun) 10:30–13:00
⇒Hosts’ profiles / reservation
Stand Exhibition
Feb 14 (Thu) 18:30–20:30 | 15 (Fri) – 17 (Sun) 10:30–13:30
[Read detailed user’s manual]
We invite Masashi Nomura, a director of TPAM Direction in 2011 and 2012, as facilitator and have him elicit potential needs and help your networking.
1978 年生まれ、長野県出身。劇団活動〜公共ホール勤務を経て、2007年よりこまばアゴラ劇場・劇団青年団に所属。並行して、若手演出家の公演にドラマトゥルクほか様々な形で参加。主な参加作品として、ままごと『わが星』(2009、2011)、サンプル『自慢の息子』(2010、2012)、岡崎藝術座『レッドと黒の膨張する半球体』(2011)(以上ドラマトゥルク)、「キレなかった14才♥りたーんず」(2009/制作統括)、TPAM in Yokohama 蓮沼執太 × 山田亮太『タイム』(2012/プロデュース)、世田谷パブリックシアター・三重県文化会館・高知県立美術館・水戸芸術館共同制作「音楽劇『ファンファーレ』」(2012/制作・ドラマトゥルク)など。その他に公益財団法人セゾン文化財団・こまばアゴラ劇場主催「創造型劇場の芸術監督・プロデューサーのための基礎講座」(2010年度/運営担当)、舞台芸術制作者ネットワーク・ミーティング(仮称)発起人、桜美林大学非常勤講師、アサヒ・アートスクエア運営委員などを務める。TPAM in Yokohama 2011、2012にTPAMディレクション・ディレクターとして参加。
Masashi Nomura
Born in 1978 in Nagano. After working with a theatre company and at a public hall, he has belonged to Komaba Agora Theater and Seinendan since 2007 while playing diverse roles in young artists’ works. Among the works he has dramaturged and produced are Our Planet by mamagoto (2009 and 2011), The Treasured Son by Sample (2010 and 2012), Hemispherical Red and Black by Okazaki Art Theatre (2011), The return of the 14-year-olds that restrained themselves (2009), Time by Shuta Hasunuma and Ryota Yamada (TPAM in Yokohama 2012) and Fanfare co-produced by Setagaya Public Theatre, Mie Center for the Arts, The Museum of Art, Kochi and Art Tower Mito (2012). He has also managed “Annual Lecture Series for Artistic Directors and Producers” organized by The Saison Foundation and Komaba Agora Theatre (2010) and is one of the proposers of Performing Arts Presenters’ Network Meeting (tentative title), as well as a part-time lecturer at J. F. Oberlin University and a member of the management committee of Asahi Art Square. One of the directors of TPAM Direction in 2011 and 2012.